Hydra's repositories
Bitcoin Improvement Proposals
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
₿itcoin - Analytics Hive of the CyberHornets
A stupid haystack search for bruteforcing bitcoin privatekeys!
Bob Wallet is a GUI for DNS Record Management and Name Auctions on Handshake. It includes an integrated full node: hsd
Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
The OWASP DevSecOps Guideline can help us to embedding security as a part of the development pipeline.
The open-source repo for docs.github.com
a permissionless, non-hierarchical virtual-machine and network of computers (nodes) which build an ever-growing blockchain to reach consensus.
Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript.
Goby extension doc.
This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
Infoga - Email OSINT
Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
OctoFarm is an web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full control over your 3D printer farm.
NotExpectedYet service monitoring
Created by Denis Podgurskiy via the GitHub Connector
JSON containing the names of privacy related things. primarily android packages, it includes ads and consent package names.
Grease your bits
ادات جلب معلوماتUSES SpiderFoot can be used offensively (e.g. in a red team exercise or penetration test) for reconnaissance of your target or defensively to gather information about what you or your organisation might have exposed over the Internet. You can target the following entities in a SpiderFoot scan: IP address Domain/sub-domain name Hostname Network subnet (CIDR) ASN E-mail address Phone number Username Person's name Bitcoin address SpiderFoot's 200+ modules feed each other in a publisher/subscriber model to ensure maximum data extraction to do things like: Host/sub-domain/TLD enumeration/extraction Email address, phone number and human name extraction Bitcoin and Ethereum address extraction Check for susceptibility to sub-domain hijacking DNS zone transfers Threat intelligence and Blacklist queries API integration with SHODAN, HaveIBeenPwned, GreyNoise, AlienVault, SecurityTrails, etc. Social media account enumeration S3/Azure/Digitalocean bucket enumeration/scraping IP geo-location Web scraping, web content analysis Image, document and binary file meta data analysis Dark web searches Port scanning and banner grabbing Data breach searches So much more... INSTALLING & RUNNING To install and run SpiderFoot, you need at least Python 3.6 and a number of Python libraries which you can install with pip. We recommend you install a packaged release since master will often have bleeding edge features and modules that aren't fully tested. Stable build (packaged release): $ wget https://github.com/smicallef/spiderfoot/archive/v3.3.tar.gz $ tar zxvf v3.3.tar.gz $ cd spiderfoot ~/spiderfoot$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt ~/spiderfoot$ python3 ./sf.py -l Development build (cloning git master branch): $ git clone https://github.com/smicallef/spiderfoot.git $ cd spiderfoot $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt ~/spiderfoot$ python3 ./sf.py -l Check out the documentation and our asciinema videos for more tutorials. COMMUNITY Whether you're a contributor, user or just curious about SpiderFoot and OSINT in general, we'd love to have you join our community! SpiderFoot now has a Discord server for chat, and a Discourse server to serve as a more permanent knowledge base.
VMware Workstation macOS
Vanitygen PLUS! Generate vanity address for 100+ cryptocoins including: BTC, LTC, LBRY, UNO, DASH, DIAMOND, DOGE, FEATHER, GROESTL, MONA, PEERCOIN, VERTCOIN, ZIFTR, CROWN, GAME, PINK and MORE! Removed the prefix length limit, now capable of searching for longer prefixes... Altcoin encryption and decryption of private keys is also supported.
OWASP Foundation Web Respository
A mobile Bitcoin/Lightning app for lnd, c-lightning, and Eclair node operators ⚡️
Zeus Server: Self-order Point of Sale solution, powered by the Lightning Network