hybridgroup / gort

Command Line Interface (CLI) for RobotOps

Home Page:http://gort.io/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mindwave Mobile on Ubuntu 16.04 throws error when trying to connect

Talamantez opened this issue · comments

Hi - I'm connecting a Mindwave Mobile to Ubuntu via a bluetooth dongle. I switch the device to 'on/pair', and then run:

hcitool scan
expected output:
Scanning ...
20:68:9D:4C:0D:B7 MindWave Mobile

gort scan bluetooth
expected output:
Scanning ...
20:68:9D:4C:0D:B7 MindWave Mobile

gort bluetooth connect 20:68:9D:4C:0D:B7
error output:
2016/09/27 23:40:52 exec: "bluez-test-serial": executable file not found in $PATH

I've looked around a bit and haven't discovered the apt repo for that tool. Any suggestions?


Hi @Talamantez seems like you might have an older version of Gort installed? We switched to using hciool directly a couple of versions ago. Can you please run:

gort -v

And provide the output? Thanks.

gort version 0.6.2 - thanks @deadprogram

hi - I switched platforms, I'm going to close this issue - thanks!