Huzaifa Khan (huzaifakhan04)


Geek Repo

Company:AI Engineer @ Radical AI · Research Assistant @ Knowledge Discovery and Data Science (KDD) Lab · Co-Project Lead @ AIM Lab

Location:Islamabad, Pakistan

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Huzaifa Khan's repositories


This repository contains a web application that integrates with a music recommendation system, which leverages a dataset of 3,415 audio files, each lasting thirty seconds, utilising a Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) implementation to determine rhythmic similarity, as part of an assignment for the Fundamental of Big Data Analytics (DS2004) course.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:4Issues:1Issues:0


This repository includes a web application that is connected to a product recommendation system developed with the comprehensive Amazon Review Data (2018) dataset, consisting of nearly 233.1 million records and occupying approximately 128 gigabytes (GB) of data storage, using MongoDB, PySpark, and Apache Kafka.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:3Issues:1Issues:0


This repository contains results of the completed tasks for the Quantium Data Analytics Virtual Experience Program by Forage, designed to replicate life in the Retail Analytics and Strategy team at Quantium, using Python.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:2Issues:1Issues:1


This repository contains results of an exploratory data analysis with visualisation performed on nearly 11,000,000 entries across the European Soccer (Football) Database, based in the SQLite database engine, from Kaggle using SQL (SQLite) in Python.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


Config files for my GitHub profile.



This repository is a collection of fundamental digital image processing operations and algorithms performed on greyscale images, or Portable Grey Map (PGM) files, using different data structures in C++, as part of an assignment and final project module for the Data Structures (CS2001) course.



This repository contains the source code for a simulation of Brick Breaker (1999) implemented entirely in Assembly Language (x86) using Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), as part of the final project for the Computer Organisation & Assembly Language (EE2003) course.



This repository showcases the outcomes of an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), including visualisation, conducted on the comprehensive Amazon Review Data (2018) dataset, consisting of nearly 233.1 million records and occupying approximately 128 gigabytes (GB) of data storage, using MongoDB and PySpark.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


This repository contains a web application associated with a collection of a few classification algorithms using machine learning in Python to determine the sentiments behind internet memes based on image and text data extracted from 6,992 different internet memes, as part of the final project for the Introduction to Data Science (DS2001) course.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:0Issues:3Issues:0


This repository comprises the design, implementation, and analysis of a near real-time data warehouse prototype for an electronics business chain, utilising a multi-threaded Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pipeline leveraging the efficient HYBRIDJOIN algorithm implemented with Java and MySQL on customer sales data.



This repository showcases an interactive conversational analysis of the Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus, visualised using D3.js, as part of the Data Analysis & Visualisation (DS3001) course final project, encompassing 220,579 exchanges between 10,292 character pairs in 617 movies.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:BSD-3-ClauseStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0