huychau / git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use Git basic

  1. Git add
  • Add files/folders: git add file/folder name
  • Add all files change: git add .
  • Reset files/folders git reset file/folder
  • Reset all files change git reset .
  1. Git commit
  • Commit: git commit -m "[Isuse ID] Message"
  • Edit commit: git commit --amend -m "[Isuse ID] Message"
  • Reset commit:
    • Last commit: git reset --soft HEAD~
    • Commit id: git reset --hard <COMMIT -ID>
  1. Git push git push origin <branch name>
  2. Branch
  • Delete:
    • Local: git branch -D <branch name>
    • Multiple branches:
      • `git branch -D branch-name-1 branch-name-2 ...
      • Branch name start with origin/feature/: git branch | grep 'origin\/feature\/*' | xargs git branch -d
    • Remote: git push origin :<branch name>

Git flow simple step by ste

  1. Install
sudo apt-get install git-flow
  1. Config
cd your-folder
git flow init

Note: Enter all if you don't need modifier

  1. Branch
  • Create branch
git flow feature start branch-name (create base on develop)
git flow hotfix start branch-name (create base on master)
  • Finish up a feature (branch)
  • Merges MYFEATURE into 'develop'
  • Removes the feature branch
  • Switches back to 'develop' branch
git flow feature finish branch-name

Note: See about Branch for more details
