huumn / crisp

A cryptocurrency written in Lisp (Chez Scheme)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Crisp is a cryptocurrency written in Lisp. As of this writing, it's a toy blockchain written in Chez Scheme.


  1. Make Crisp a robust blockchain implementation written in Lisp that also uses Lisp as the transaction language.
  2. Experiment with the transaction language such that it provides features unavailable in existing blockchains


Crisp listens on a TCP port for control commands. Commands can be sent pretty naturally with telnet as commands are framed by the delimiter \r\n:

> blocks
> [{"index":0,"prev-hash":"","timestamp":1465154705,"data":"Genisis Block."}]

A command name and its arguments are delimited with spaces:

> peer-add 9998
> OK

Control Commands

command returns
blocks json array of blocks
block-mine [msg] newly mined block as json
block-last the last block mined
peers json array of peers as ip:port
peer-add ip port OK
echo msg msg

Peer Gossip

Crisp peers gossip over TCP. Messages are encoded as ascii-length-prefixed JSON, where the message length and the messages themselves are delimited with \r\n. The JSON messages contain both a type and data field. When a peer asks another peer for its last block, the message looks like the following:


Peer Message types and data

type data
last-block no data expected
last-block-resp json encoded block
blocks no data expected
blocks-resp json array of blocks


The valid chain with the most cumulative work always wins. Because we don't yet have transactions, valid here only means the chain itself is a valid blockchain. That is, the blocks are "linked" with the correct hash "pointers," and the timestamps between blocks is reasonable.


For the time being Crisp uses for package control and uses suv for io which you'll have to clone and build manually. The full process from scratch, assuming you already have chez and aren't on Windows:

$ curl -L | scheme
$ git clone
$ cd crisp
$ raven install
$ cd lib
$ git clone
$ cd suv 
$ cc -o3 -fPIC -shared c/suv.c -luv -o
$ cd ../..
$ scheme --script

You should then be able to connect to your Crisp node via telnet:

$ telnet 7777
echo hello
[{"index":0,"prev-hash":"","timestamp":1465154705,"data":"Genisis Block."}]


A cryptocurrency written in Lisp (Chez Scheme)


Language:Scala 100.0%