hutorny / avr64db28

A short memo on new family of MCU

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Building an avr64db28 project with avr-gcc

  1. Download and install latest avr-gcc
  2. Download and unzip latest Atmel support package from
  3. Build c/c++ files with the following options:
    • C++:
      avr-g++ -D__AVR_DEV_LIB_NAME__=avr64db28 -I<Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/include -mmcu=avr64db28 -B <Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/gcc/dev/avr64db28
    • C:
      avr-gcc -D__AVR_DEV_LIB_NAME__=avr64db28 -I<Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/include -mmcu=avr64db28 -B <Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/gcc/dev/avr64db28
    • ASM:
      avr-g++ -c -D__AVR_DEV_LIB_NAME__=avr64db28 -I<Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/include -mmcu=avr64db28 -B <Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/gcc/dev/avr64db28
    • Linker:
      avr-g++ -mmcu=avr64db28 -B <Atmel.AVR-Dx_DFP>/gcc/dev/avr64db28 -Wl,--start-group -Wl,-lm -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--defsym,__DATA_REGION_LENGTH__=0x6000

__DATA_REGION_LENGTH__=0x6000 is needed to workaround address 0x806001 of avr64db section .bss is not within region data caused by mismatching avr-gcc linker script and the chip definition from the support package.

Address 0x806000 is set by spec-avr64db28

	%{!Tdata:-Tdata 0x806000}

While the linker script avrxmega2.x defines

data   (rw!x) : ORIGIN = 0x802000, LENGTH = __DATA_REGION_LENGTH__

Datasheet defines SRAM memory map

Data space Range
(Reserved) 0x1600-0x3FFF
SRAM 16 KB 0x4000-0x7FFF

Perhaps 0x802000 is a base address for the entire xmega2 family, while 0x806000 could be a valid start for the data section in avr64db28. However, the memory range communicated to the linker:

data             0x0000000000802000 0x0000000000002000 rw !x

is not valid for avr64db28. The __DATA_REGION_LENGTH__=0x6000 parameter makes it

data             0x0000000000802000 0x0000000000006000 rw !x

Now data includes 0x806000 and the linker succeeds. Although it is not clear what is the use of 0x4000-0x5FFF memory range


A short memo on new family of MCU