Queen is a D3D10 like multi-thread software rasterizer renderer. I implement classic scanline algorithm and a simple tile-based half-space method. It supports programmable vertex and pixel shader which are writen directly in Cpp file.
Project Report How to write a simple software rasterizer
Simple Shader
class SimpleVertexShader : public VertexShader
void Bind()
DeclareVarying(InterpolationModifier::Linear, float4, oPosW, 0);
DeclareVarying(InterpolationModifier::Linear, float4, oNormal, 1);
DeclareVarying(InterpolationModifier::Linear, float2, oTex, 2);
DeclareVarying(InterpolationModifier::Linear, float4, oColor, 3);
void Execute(const VS_Input* input, VS_Output* output)
DefineAttribute(float4, iPos, 0);
DefineAttribute(float4, iNormal, 1);
DefineAttribute(float2, iTex, 2);
DefineAttribute(float4, iColor, 3);
DefineVaryingOutput(float4, oPosW, 0);
DefineVaryingOutput(float4, oNormal, 1);
DefineVaryingOutput(float2, oTex, 2);
DefineVaryingOutput(float4, oColor, 3);
oPosW = iPos * World;
oNormal = float4(iNormal.X(), iNormal.Y(), iNormal.Z(), 0.0) * World;
oTex = iTex;
oColor = iColor;
output->Position = oPosW * View * Projection;
uint32_t GetOutputCount() const
return 4;
float44 World;
float44 View;
float44 Projection;
class SimplePixelShader : public PixelShader
float3 LightPos;
DefineTexture(0, DiffuseTex);
DefineSampler(0, LinearSampler);
bool Execute(const VS_Output* input, PS_Output* output, float* pDepthIO)
DefineVaryingInput(float3, iPosW, 0);
DefineVaryingInput(float3, iNormal, 1);
DefineVaryingInput(float2, iTex, 2);
DefineVaryingInput(float4, iColor, 3);
float3 L = Normalize(LightPos - iPosW);
float3 N = Normalize(iNormal);
float NdotL = Dot(N, L);
output->Color[0] = Saturate(ColorRGBA((float*)&iColor) * NdotL);
//ColorRGBA diffuse = Sample(DiffuseTex, LinearSampler, iTex.X(), iTex.Y());
//output->Color[0] = ColorRGBA(diffuse.R, diffuse.G, diffuse.B, 1.0f);
return true;
uint32_t GetOutputCount() const
return 1;
================ Purple is a physically based ray tracer.
Note: I have put all 3rd libraries in 3rdParty directory except for boost, it's a little bit huge, so I don't upload it.