Implementation of Kafka authentication and authorisation using different approaches.
Every directory has its own compose file and scripts to test. In the compose file
all services are using a network with name kafka-cluster-network
which means,
all other containers outside the compose file could access Kafka and Zookeeper nodes by
being attached to this network. For example
docker run -it --network kafka-cluster-network confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.0.1 kafka-topics --zookeeper \ zookeeper-1:22181 --list
There are 2 environment variables need to be configured
export KAFKA_SASL_SCRAM_SECRETS_DIR=$PWD/sasl-scram/secrets
To start Kafka and Zookeeper cluster configured only with SSL, you could run the script
Configured both Zookeeper and Kafka to use SASL/SCRAM. To run it
- Make sure you have the SSL keystore and truststore generated and stored in the directory
- Run command
- To run console producer and consumer, you could check the commands in the file
- To add any new account to connect to Kafka, you could find commands in the script file