Tamkeen Fund Management System (TFMS) is serverless machine learning-based application that consists of two interfaces:
The Public Support Calculator that is designed to help individuals and business owners estimate and predict the amount of support and funds that they or their businesses could be eligible for before applying to a program in Tamkeen.
The Private Fund Distributor, which is designed to reduce the amount of manual work needed for Tamkeen employees to estimate and distribute the allocated budget to the eligible applicants. They will have access to an intuitive, fast, and easy-to-use dashboard and a distribution wizard that will allow them to do all the steps necessary to rank the applicants based on their impact and the features that they can define and adjust using slides and knobs, along with multiple helpful charts that update in real-time to give the Tamkeen employees a better understanding of the budget distribution among the different applicants and features.
Fast and Easy-to-use Machine Learning-based Fund Estimator
Secure and Scalable User Authentication using AWS Cognito
Asynchronous (Non-Blocking) Page Translation using React I18next
Highly Scalable and Parallel Fund Estimation using AWS Lambda
Interactive and User-Friendly Charts using React ApexCharts
Super Fast, Searchable, Sortable Applicants Table using React MDB 5
Asynchronous Configuration Saving, Loading and Global State Management using React Redux