huseyinozkilic / laravel-entrust

Handle Role-based Permissions for your Laravel application

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Laravel Entrust (Laravel 5, 6, 7 and 8 Package)

Handle Role-based Permissions for your Laravel application.

Note: You Must Use version 1.x If you are using below Laravel 8.



  1. You can install the Laravel-entrust package via composer:
composer require shanmuga/laravel-entrust

Note: You Can Skip step 2 and 3 If you are using above Laravel 5.5.

  1. Open your config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:
  1. In the same config/app.php and add the following to the aliases array:
'LaravelEntrust'   => Shanmuga\LaravelEntrust\Facades\LaravelEntrustFacade::class,
  1. Run the command below to publish the package config files config/entrust.php and config/entrust_seeder.php
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="LaravelEntrust"
  1. Open your config/entrust.php and add the following to it:

Name of the migration file to be generated

'migrationSuffix' => 'laravel_entrust_setup_tables',

Model and Table Used for Authorization

'user_model' => 'App\Models\User',
'user_table' => 'users',

Name of the Models Used for Role and Permission

'models' => [
    'role'          => 'App\Models\Role',
    'permission'    => 'App\Models\Permission',

Default Guard to perform user authentication, You Can also pass it manually when checking it.

'defaults' => [
     'guard'          => 'web',

You can also use multiple guards:

'defaults' => [
     'guard'          => ['web', 'api'],

Table names used for roles and permissions

'tables' => [
    'roles'             => 'roles',
    'permissions'       => 'permissions',
    'role_user'         => 'role_user',
    'permission_role'   => 'permission_role',

Foriegn keys used for roles and permissions

'foreign_keys' => [
    'user' => 'user_id',
    'role' => 'role_id',
    'permission' => 'permission_id',

Middleware Setup for custom message, register set to true for register automatically, Handling is which handler to be used either abort or redirect. you can also configure what message should be display if authorization failed.

'middleware' => [
    'register' => true,
    'handling' => 'abort',
    'handlers' => [
        'abort' => [
            'code' => 403,
            'message' => 'You don\'t Have a permission to Access this page.'
        'redirect' => [
            'url' => '/',
            'message' => [
                'key' => 'error',
                'content' => 'You don\'t Have a permission to Access this page'
  1. Run the following command to generate migration and seed
php artisan laravel-entrust:setup

See Entrust Seeder Configuration to learn more about create permissions.

  1. Finally Add the LaravelEntrustUserTrait to existing User model. For example:

use Shanmuga\LaravelEntrust\Traits\LaravelEntrustUserTrait;

class User extends Model
    use LaravelEntrustUserTrait; // add this trait to your user model


This will enable the relation with Role and add the following methods roles(), hasRole($name), hasPermission($permission), and ability($roles, $permissions, $options) within your User model.

Don't forget to dump composer autoload

composer dump-autoload

And you are ready to go.

Soft Deleting

The default migration takes advantage of onDelete('cascade') clauses within the pivot tables to remove relations when a parent record is deleted. If for some reason you cannot use cascading deletes in your database, the EntrustRole and EntrustPermission classes, and the HasRole trait include event listeners to manually delete records in relevant pivot tables. In the interest of not accidentally deleting data, the event listeners will not delete pivot data if the model uses soft deleting. However, due to limitations in Laravel's event listeners, there is no way to distinguish between a call to delete() versus a call to forceDelete(). For this reason, before you force delete a model, you must manually delete any of the relationship data (unless your pivot tables uses cascading deletes). For example:

$role = Role::findOrFail(1); // Pull back a given role

// Regular Delete
$role->delete(); // This will work no matter what

// Force Delete
$role->users()->sync([]); // Delete relationship data
$role->permissions()->sync([]); // Delete relationship data

$role->forceDelete(); // Now force delete will work regardless of whether the pivot table has cascading delete



Let's start by configuring entrust_seeder to create role and permissions: Your config/laratrust_seeder.php file looks like this:

return [
    'role_structure' => [
        'admin' => [
            'users' => 'c,r,u,d',
            'admin' => 'c,r,u,d',
            'profile' => 'r,d'
        'subadmin' => [
            'users' => 'c,r,u',
            'profile' => 'r,u'
    'user_roles' => [
        'admin' => [
            ['name' => "Admin", "email" => "", "password" => '123456'],
    'permissions_map' => [
        'c' => 'create',
        'r' => 'read',
        'u' => 'update',
        'd' => 'delete',

Now Users are created and alse roles and it's permissions are assigned to that users. You Can also attach and detach role is as easy as:

$user = User::where('username', 'shan')->first();

// role attach alias
$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be an Role object, array, or id

// or eloquent's original technique
$user->roles()->attach($admin->id); // id only

Checking for Roles & Permissions

Now we can check for roles and permissions simply by doing:

$user->hasRole('owner');   // false
$user->hasRole('admin');   // true
$user->hasPermission('edit-user');   // false
$user->hasPermission('create-post'); // true

Both hasRole() and hasPermission() can receive an array of roles & permissions to check:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);       // true
$user->hasPermission(['edit-user', 'create-post']); // true

By default, if any of the roles or permissions are present for a user then the method will return true. Passing true as a second parameter instructs the method to require all of the items:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);             // true
$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin'], true);       // false, user does not have admin role
$user->hasPermission(['edit-user', 'create-post']);       // true
$user->hasPermission(['edit-user', 'create-post'], true); // false, user does not have edit-user permission

You can have as many Roles as you want for each User and vice versa.

The Entrust class has shortcuts to both can() and hasRole() for the currently logged in user:


// is identical to

You can also use placeholders (wildcards) to check any matching permission by doing:

// match any permission about users
$user->hasPermission("*-users"); // true

User ability

More advanced checking can be done using the awesome ability function. It takes in three parameters (roles, permissions, options):

  • roles is a set of roles to check.
  • permissions is a set of permissions to check.

Either of the roles or permissions variable can be a comma separated string or array:

$user->ability(['admin', 'owner'], ['create-user', 'edit-user']);
// or
$user->ability('admin,owner', 'create-user,edit-user');

This will check whether the user has any of the provided roles and permissions. In this case it will return true since the user is an admin and has the create-user permission.

The third parameter validateAll is a boolean flag to set whether to check all the values for true, or to return true if at least one role or permission is matched. It is optional and by default it is false.


You can use a middleware to filter routes and route groups by permission or role

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['role:admin']], function() {
    Route::get('/', 'AdminController@welcome');
    Route::get('/view', 'AdminController@manageAdmins')->middleware('permission:view-admin');

It is possible to use pipe symbol as OR operator:

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root']

To emulate AND functionality just use multiple instances of middleware

'middleware' => ['role:owner', 'role:writer']


If you encounter an error when doing the migration that looks like:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table 'laravelbootstrapstarter.#sql-42c_f8' (errno: 150)
    (SQL: alter table `role_user` add constraint role_user_user_id_foreign foreign key (`user_id`)
    references `users` (`id`)) (Bindings: array ())

This occur when use laravel less than 5.8. It uses Integer for migration autoIncrement but laravel entrust uses BigInteger. So make sure both are same..

When trying to use the EntrustUserTrait methods, you encounter the error which looks like

Class name must be a valid object or a string

then probably you don't have published Entrust assets or something went wrong when you did it. First of all check that you have the entrust.php file in your config directory. If you don't, then try php artisan vendor:publish --tag=LaravelEntrust and, if it does not appear, manually copy the /vendor/shanmuga/laravel-entrust/src/config/entrust.php file in your config directory.

If your app uses a custom namespace then you'll need to tell entrust where your permission and role models are, you can do this by editing the config file in config/entrust.php

'models' => [
     'role'          => 'App\Models\Role',
     'permission'    => 'App\Models\Permission',


Laravel-Entrust is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Contribution guidelines

Support follows PSR-1 and PSR-4 PHP coding standards, and semantic versioning.

Please report any issue you find in the issues page.
Pull requests are always welcome.


Handle Role-based Permissions for your Laravel application

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 90.2%Language:Blade 9.8%