husaynhakeem / Android-Kotlin-Dependency-Injection-Playground

Practicing various approaches to dependency injection on Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Android Kotlin dependency injection playground project is a personal learning exercise with the goal of practicing various approaches to dependency injection on Android using Kotlin.

Explore the samples

This project hosts the same sample application implemented using different dependency injectors for Android. Each framework is under a separate branch.

Completed samples

Sample Description
Dagger 2 Uses Dagger 2 to add support for dependency injection.
Some Dagger 2 features used in this sample:
  • Component
  • Module
  • Component dependencies
  • Scopes
  • Compoenent provision and injection methods
Koin Uses koin to add support for dependency injection.
Some Koin features used in this sample:
  • Module
  • Context
  • Bean
  • Factory
  • Dynamic parameters

Samples in progress

Sample Description
Kodein  Uses Kodein to add support for dependency injection.

The sample app

The chosen sample application is simple enough that one can understand it pretty fast, but intentionaly a bit more complex -than one would normally implement in a real world scenario- so as to implement as many features provided by the used dependency injection frameworks.

Android Kotlin DI playground screens


Practicing various approaches to dependency injection on Android

License:Apache License 2.0