To be used in a Pipeline, to automate the creation of a Databricks Pool
cli version 3az
cli.NET Core SDK
version 3.1
Create the Service Principal. This is the identity the function will use to create the Databricks PAT and Pool
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <fn_name>
*NOTE: record the output, you will need the appId, password, and tenant later.
``` { "appId": "xxxx", "displayName": "kh-dbricks-fn", "name": "http://kh-dbricks-fn", "password": "xxxx", "tenant": "xxxx" } ```
Assign Permissions to the Service Principal to operate on the KeyVault and Databricks
- Add Access Policy for 'Secret Management'
- Add the service principal to the admin group of the workspace. To do this use the admin login as shown in this sample code. The service principal must also be a granted the contributor role in the workspace.
Create the Function App
Substitute the <tokens>
with the appropriate details. The <dbricks_org_id> parameter should be the . which can be obtained from the workspace url.
## Create resource group if necessary
az group create --name <resource_group> --location westeurope
## Create Storage Account for functionapp
az storage account create -g <resource_group> -n <storage_account> --location westeurope --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2
## Create Functionapp
az functionapp create --functions-version 3 --os-type Windows --runtime node -g <resource_group> -n <fn_name> --consumption-plan-location westeurope -s <storage_account>
## Set App Settings
az functionapp config appsettings set -g <resource_group> -n <fn_name> --settings "VAULT_NAME=<keyvault_name>" "DB_ORG_ID=<dbricks_org_id>"
## Enable Auth token binding
az webapp auth update --resource-group <resource_group> --name <fn_name> --enabled true --action AllowAnonymous --aad-client-id '<SP_appId>' --aad-token-issuer-url '<SP_tenant>/' --aad-client-secret '<SP_password>
Clone this repo to your local environment, navigate to the fn-databricks-automate directory and deploy the functionapp code using the command below. Before doing so ensure all the prerequisites have been met as listed above. Alternatively deploy the function using VSCode.
func azure functionapp publish <fn_name>