hunarbatra / inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline

Basic pipeline for running different sized GPT models and plotting the results

Repository from Github https://github.comhunarbatra/inverse-scaling-eval-pipelineRepository from Github https://github.comhunarbatra/inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline


This repo is for running inverse scaling examples. There is a colab set up for it, which you can find in the task spreadsheet.

Running on NYU

To run on NYU:


  1. Follow these Getting Started instructions to get connected to Greene.
  2. Follow these Singularity instructions up until Install packages with the following differences:
    1. Instead of cuda11.2-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04.sif, use cuda11.3.0-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04.sif
    2. Instead of overlay-7.5GB-300K.ext3.gz use overlay-10GB-400K.ext3
  3. Activate the Singularity image with the overlay
    1. Remember to run source /ext3/ (or whatever you called it when setting up the image) to activate the Python environment.
  4. cd to /ext3 and run git clone to get a copy of the code.
  5. Run pip install . to install the inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline package.
  6. Run the command python -m pip install torch==1.10.2+cu113 -f to install the correct version of PyTorch.


  1. Copy the example.sbatch script included under the /ext3/inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline/scripts directory to somewhere outside the image, e.g. your home or scratch.
  2. There are two options for pointing to your data:
    1. Put your data in /ext3/inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline/data and use the option --data as in the script.
    2. Put your data elsewhere and use the option --dataset-path to point to it.
  3. For --exp-dir, give the absolute path of the directory you want the results to be saved in.
  4. Remember to add the flag --use-gpu only for HuggingFace models (GPT-2, GPT-Neo) and to add the flag --batch-size n (with n > 1) only for OpenAI API models (GPT-3)
  5. Submit your .sbatch file as a job with sbatch example.sbatch
  6. Run the plotting file by activating the Singularity image and running python /ext3/inverse-scaling-eval-pipeline/eval_pipeline/ </path/to/results/dir>

Let me know which parts of these instructions are incorrect/unclear!


Basic pipeline for running different sized GPT models and plotting the results


Language:Python 83.0%Language:Shell 17.0%