hummus / pallet-docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A provider for Pallet, to use docker.


Pallet is used to provision and maintain servers on cloud and virtual machine infrastructure, and aims to solve the problem of providing a consistently configured running image across a range of clouds. It is designed for use from the Clojure REPL, from clojure code, and from the command line.

  • reuse configuration in development, testing and production.
  • store all your configuration in a source code management system (eg. git), including role assignments.
  • configuration is re-used by compostion; just create new functions that call existing crates with new arguments. No copy and modify required.
  • enable use of configuration crates (recipes) from versioned jar files.

Documentation is available.


Pallet-docker is distributed as a jar, and is available in the clojars repository.

Installation is with leiningen or your favourite maven repository aware build tool.

lein project.clj

:dependencies [[com.palletops/pallet "0.8.0-RC.1"]
               [com.palletops/pallet-docker "0.1.0"]]

maven pom.xml




Licensed under EPL

Copyright 2013 Hugo Duncan.
