humbertcostas / iptools

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Travis-CI Build Status Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CRAN_Status_Badge downloads

Easy IP address handling with iptools

iptools is a set of tools for a working with IP addresses. The aim is to provide functionality not presently available with any existing R package and to do so with as much speed as possible. To that end, many of the operations are written in Rcpp and require installation of the Boost libraries. A current, lofty goal is to mimic most of the functionality of the Python iptools module and make IP addresses first class R objects.

Available on CRAN


The package primarily supports IPv4 addresses due to deficiencies in R's support for large numbers, but there is IPv6 support for some functionality, and we plan to build more in as R improves and as we do. Functionality includes:

  • Converting IP addresses to their numeric form, and then back to strings, with ip_to_numeric and numeric_to_ip;
  • Validating and classifying IP addresses with ip_classify;
  • Range generation and checking with range_boundaries, range_generate and validate_range, and;
  • Several inbuilt IP-related datasets.

For more information, see the vignettes on the functionality and the datasets within iptools.


To install the development version:

# or

iptools depends on the Boost library, which can be obtained on most linux distributions with:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev


sudo yum install boost-devel

and on homebrew (Mac OSX) with:

brew install boost

iptools does not currently work easily on Windows; It may be possible to get it working with a solid, separate build of Boost for Windows under cygwin and setting environment variables properly. The first person(s) to get this working under Windows gets a free copy of Bob's book.

Test Results


#> [1] "Wed Jul  1 19:31:26 2015"

#> Test IP generators : ......
#> Test IP to hostname and hostname to IP resolution : ..................
#> Test IP conversion : ..................
#> Ensure that ip_in_range and range_boundaries work : ...........................
#> Test range and IP validation : .............

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.




Language:C++ 53.3%Language:R 46.5%Language:Shell 0.2%