hulufei / react-webpack-example

Example project using React, built with Webpack and tested with Jest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Buzzwords: #reactjs #mori #gulp #webpack #jest #stylus #bower #selenium #hot-module-replacement


  • React - A Javascript Library For Building User Interfaces
  • React-Router - A complete routing library for React.
  • mori - A library for using ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
  • Gulp.js - The streaming build system
  • Webpack - Module Bundler
  • Jest - Painless Javascript Unit Testing
  • Nightwatch - is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites.
  • Stylus - Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS
  • Jeet - A grid system for humans
  • Axis - Axis is a terse, feature-rich css library built on top of stylus


The project is setup to use Bower and NPM

> npm run deps


Unit tests are run using Jest.

> npm test

Found 3 matching tests...
 PASS  __tests__/components/Breadcrumb-test.js (2.396s)
 PASS  __tests__/components/NavBar-test.js (2.473s)
 PASS  __tests__/components/LinkTo-test.js (3.064s)
3 tests passed (3 total)
Run time: 5.97s

Browser tests are run with Nightwatch

> npm run browsertest

Starting selenium server in parallel mode... started - PID:  11996

Started child process for env:  firefox

Started child process for env:  chrome

 firefox 	Test Test Suite
 firefox 	===============
 firefox 	Results for:  step one
 firefox 	✔  Element <body> was visible after 93 milliseconds.
 firefox 	✔  Element <nav> was visible after 50 milliseconds.
 firefox 	✔  Testing if element <nav> is present.
 firefox 	✔  Testing if element <h1> contains text: "Projects".
 firefox 	OK. 4 assertions passed. (3855 ms)
 firefox 	Results for:  step two
 firefox 	✔  Testing if element <.ns-LinkTo--projects> is present.
 firefox 	✔  Element <.ns-LinkTo--project> was visible after 26 milliseconds.
 firefox 	✔  Testing if element <h1> contains text: "Project PR1".
 firefox 	OK. 3 assertions passed. (542 ms)
 firefox 	OK. 7 total assertions passed. (4429 ms)

 chrome 	Test Test Suite
 chrome 	===============
 chrome 	Results for:  step one
 chrome 	✔  Element <body> was visible after 58 milliseconds.
 chrome 	✔  Element <nav> was visible after 41 milliseconds.
 chrome 	✔  Testing if element <nav> is present.
 chrome 	✔  Testing if element <h1> contains text: "Projects".
 chrome 	OK. 4 assertions passed. (3647 ms)
 chrome 	Results for:  step two
 chrome 	✔  Testing if element <.ns-LinkTo--projects> is present.
 chrome 	✔  Element <.ns-LinkTo--project> was visible after 52 milliseconds.
 chrome 	✔  Testing if element <h1> contains text: "Project PR1".
 chrome 	OK. 3 assertions passed. (1108 ms)
 chrome 	OK. 7 total assertions passed. (4790 ms)


The development server is setup using Webpack

> npm start
Environment Development
Starting Webpack Development Server
Listening http://localhost:9000/webpack-dev-server/index.html


Webpack bundles all the assets in production mode and Gulp creates unique file names for caching

npm run dist
Found 3 matching tests...
Environment Production
Starting selenium server in parallel mode...
> cd dist
> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000
> open http://localhost:8000/



Example project using React, built with Webpack and tested with Jest


Language:JavaScript 99.2%Language:CSS 0.8%