hujb2000 / meteor-tutorial-react

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  1. Create an app

    meteor create simple-todos-react

    cd simple-todos-react



  2. Defining views with React components

    meteor add react

    1. An App React component
    2. A Task React component
    3. Some code wrapped inside if (Meteor.isClient ) {...}, which defines code to execute in the browser, and Meteor.startup, whick knows how to call code when the page is loaded and ready.
    • HTML files define static content

    head->head, body->body

    Everything inside tags is compiled into Meteor templates, which can be included inside HTML with {{> templateName}} or referenced in your JavaScript with Template.templateName,

    • Define view components with React

    In React, view components are classed defined with React.createClass. Your component can have any methods you like, but there are several methods such as render that have special functions.

    Components can also receive data from their parents through attributes callled props. We'll go over some of the more common features of React in this tutorial; You can also check out Facebooks' React tutorial

    • Return markup from the render method with JSX

    The most important method in every React components is render(), which is called by React to get a description of the HTML that this component should display, The HTML content is written using a JavaScript extension called JSX, which kind of looks like writing HTML inside your

    JavaScript. Your can see some obvious differences already: in JSX , you use the className attribute instead of class. An important thing to know about JSX is that it isn't a templating language like Spacebars or Angular- it actually compiles directly to regular JavaScript, Read more about JSX in the React docs

    • JSX files can use ES2015 features

    Luke Hoban's "ES6 features"

    Kyle Simpson's "your don't know JS: ES6 and beyond"

    Nikonlas C.Zakas "understanding ECMAScript6"

  3. Storing tasks in a collection

    Creating a new collections is as easy as calling MyCollection = new Mongo.Collection("CollectionName"); in your JavaScript. On the server , this setup up a MongoDB collection called CollectionName; on the client, this craetes a cache connected to the server collection ;

    • Using data from a collection inside a React component

    To use data from a Meteor collection inside a React component, include the ReactMeteorData mixin in a component. With this mixin in your component, you can define a method called getMeteorData which knows how to keep track of chanegs in data.

    The object you return from getMeteorData can be accessed on inside the render method.

  4. Adding tasks with a form

    You can see that the form elements has an onSubmit attribute that references a method on the component called handleSubmit. In React , this is how your listen to browser events. like the submit event on the form, The input element has a ref property which will let us easily access this element later.

    In React you handle DOM events by directly referencing a method on the component, Inside the event handler, you can reference elements from the component by giving them a ref property and using React.findDOMNode. Read more about the differenct kinds of events React supports ,and how the event system works, in the

    React Docs

  5. Checking off and deleting tasks

    React.render->ReactDOM.render, React.findDOMNode->ReactDOM.findDOMNode

  6. Deploying your app

    meteor deploy

  7. Running your app on Android and iOS

  8. Storing temporary UI data in component state

    • React components have a special field called state where you can store encapsulated component data. We need to define a getInitialState method on our component to initialize this field.

    • We can update this.state from an event handler by calling this.setState, which will update the state property asynchronously and then cause the component to re-render.

  9. Adding user accoutns

    Currently, this UI component uses Blaze, Meteor's default UI engine, In the futrue, there might also be a React-specific component for this.

    meteor add accounts-ui accounts-password

    • Wrapping a Blaze component in React

    To use the Blaze UI component from the accounts-ui package, we need to wrap it in a React component. To do so, let's create a new component called AccountsUIWrapper in a new file

    • Configure accounts-ui to only require username.

    • Automatic accounts UI

    You can add the accounts-facebook package to enable Facebook login in your app. The Faceboook button will automatically appear in the dropdown .

    • Getting information about the logged-in user

    You can use Meteor.user() to check if a user is logged in and get infromation about them. For example. Meteor.user().username container the logged in user's username, You can also use

    Meteor.userId() to just get the currnt user's _id.

  10. Security with methods

    • Removing insecure

    Every newly created Meteor project has the insecure package added by default

    meteor remove insecure

    • Defining methods


    • Optimistic UI

    With Meteor methods and optimistic UI, you get the best of both worlds -- the security of server code and no round-trip delay, Read more in our blog post about optimistic UI

  11. Filtering data with publish and subscribe

    Just like with insecure in the last step, all new Meteor apps start with the autopublish package, which automatically synchronizes all of the database contents to the client

    The function in Meteor taht do the are Meteor.publish and Meteor.subscribe.

    meteor remove autopublish



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