Faker维护仓库,收集全网目前能正常使用的脚本。 在lxk备份脚本基础上增加以下内容,并不断更新
- 1、签到领现金-助力
- 2、极速版 旺财乐园
- 3、明月寒大佬的 京喜财富岛-娱乐中心-抽奖
- 4、汪汪乐园开工位
- 5、半点京豆雨
- 6、整点京豆雨
- 7、点点券二代目
- 8、赚京豆
- 9、欧洲杯
- 10、全民运动会互助
- 11、汪汪乐园每日助力
- 12、燃动夏季(先运行解密 再运行脚本)
- 13、签到图形验证
- 14、宠汪汪二代目(需要安装npm依赖)
- 15、来客有礼&送豆得豆
- 16、早起福利
- 17、QQ星系牧场
- 18、抢京豆
- 19、签到领现金兑换
- 20、百元守卫战助力
- 21、京东试用
- 22、修复宠汪汪积分兑换(需要安装canvas依赖)
- 23、柠檬推一推
- 24、京东众筹许愿池
- 25、修复了多合一签到脚本
- 26、京东到家果园任务
- 27、愤怒的锦鲤(需添加环境变量export kois="pt_pin1@pt_pin2")
- 28、天天优惠大乐透
- 29、新版财富岛(需要安装依赖)(cron已自动设置)
- 30、新版财富岛热气球(cron已自动设置)
- 31、宠汪汪偷好友积分助力
- 32、特物Z|万物皆可国创
- 33、京东到家果园水车
- 34、京东到家鲜豆任务
- 35、京东到家鲜豆庄园
- 36、京东到家庄园领水滴
- 37、粉丝互动
- 38、京享值PK
- 39、燃动夏季下注、百元守护
- 40、京喜工厂,京喜工厂内部团
- 41、愤怒的现金(默认助力前9账号)
【Faker集合仓库】 ql repo https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/shufflewzc/faker2.git "jd_|jx_|getJDCookie" "activity|backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|ZooFaker_Necklace|JDJRValidator_Pure"
【财富岛依赖安装命令】 docker exec -it QL bash -c "npm install axios date-fns"
【DOCKER npm依赖安装命令】
docker exec -it QL bash -c "cd scripts && npm i -S png-js"
【canvas 依赖安装命令】 docker exec -it QL bash -c "apk add --no-cache build-base g++ cairo-dev pango-dev giflib-dev && cd scripts && npm install canvas --build-from-source"
【QX系列教程】 https://www.notion.so/Quantumult-X-cd78c6ab616e4ebf947519b2dd690a0c
【青龙系列教程】 https://www.notion.so/Cent-OS-7-6-1c598629675145988b43a37998a1604a
Any unlocking and decryption analysis scripts involved in the Script project released by this warehouse are only used for testing, learning and research, and are forbidden to be used for commercial purposes. Their legality, accuracy, completeness and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. Please make your own judgment based on the situation. .
All resource files in this project are forbidden to be reproduced or published in any form by any official account or self-media.
This warehouse is not responsible for any script problems, including but not limited to any loss or damage caused by any script errors.
Any user who indirectly uses the script, including but not limited to establishing a VPS or disseminating it when certain actions violate national/regional laws or related regulations, this warehouse is not responsible for any privacy leakage or other consequences caused by this.
Do not use any content of the Script project for commercial or illegal purposes, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.
If any unit or individual believes that the script of the project may be suspected of infringing on their rights, they should promptly notify and provide proof of identity and ownership. We will delete the relevant script after receiving the certification document.
Anyone who views this item in any way or directly or indirectly uses any script of the Script item should read this statement carefully. This warehouse reserves the right to change or supplement this disclaimer at any time. Once you have used and copied any relevant scripts or rules of the Script project, you are deemed to have accepted this disclaimer.
You must completely delete the above content from your computer or mobile phone within 24 hours after downloading.
You have used or copied any script made by yourself in this warehouse, it is deemed to have accepted this statement, please read it carefully
- @NobyDa
- @chavyleung
- @liuxiaoyucc
- @Zero-S1
- @uniqueque
- @nzw9314
- @Andy Woo「青龙2.8互助研究院支持」
- @Oreo 「青龙2.8一键配置」