hugozap / frontend-test

Test for Front End candidates

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Solution notes here

Superformula Front-end Developer Coding Test

Be sure to read all of this document carefully, and follow the guidelines within.


Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement the following mock-up. You will need to leverage an open API for restaurant data to fill in the details and functionality as described below. You are only required to complete the desktop views, unless otherwise instructed.


Use this Figma file to see button states, colors, and responsive design. You should be sure to complete the test to mimic the design as seen.

Source Figma file


Yelp API

You can ask us and we will provide you a Yelp API Key to use for your PR.

NOTE: Yelp's API does not allow CORS. To get around this, you will need to setup a local proxy with CORS support and proxy your requets to Yelp's endpoints.

Page Structure

  - Filter navigation
    - Open now (client side filter)
    - Price (client side filter)
    - Categories/Cuisines (server side search filter)
  - Section
    - Restaurant item
      - Image (use first item in `photos`)
      - Cuisine / Categories (use first item in `categories`)
      - Rating
      - Price range
      - Open / Closed
      - Restaurant name
      - Learn more (navigate to Detail View)
Detail View
  - Restaurant Name & Rating
  - Map (optional, if time allows)
  - Section
    - Review item
      - Image
      - Name
      - Rating
      - Text


  • The filter navigation needs to be able to perform real time filtering on both client side data, as well as server side queries.
  • Yelp's /businesses/search endpoint requires a location, please use Las Vegas
  • Categories can be pre-filled from the Categories endpoint
  • The items should always show 4-6 items per row depending on viewport size. Use your own judgement for when to change per breakpoints.
  • Please see the Yelp documentation for more details.

Tech stack

  • JS oriented
    • Use React.
    • Do not use any React boilerplate, such as Create React App
  • Feel free to use a preprocessor like SASS/SCSS/Less but do not use any CSS frameworks or libraries.


  • Also create mobile version included in Figma comp.
  • Write clear documentation on how the app was designed and how to run the code.
  • Provide proper unit tests.
  • Provide components in Storybook with tests.
  • Use Yelp's Graph QL endpoint
  • Write concise and clear commit messages.
  • Provide an online demo of the application.
  • Include subtle animations to focus attention
  • Describe optimization opportunities when you conclude

What We Care About

Use any libraries that you would normally use if this were a real production App. Please note: we're interested in your code & the way you solve the problem, not how well you can use a particular library or feature.

We're interested in your method and how you approach the problem just as much as we're interested in the end result.

Here's what you should strive for:

  • Good use of current HTML, CSS, and JavaScript & performance best practices.
  • Solid testing approach.
  • Extensible code.


Where should I send back the result when I'm done?

Fork this repo and send us a pull request when you think you are done. There is no deadline for this task unless otherwise noted to you directly.

What if I have a question?

Just create a new issue in this repo and we will respond and get back to you quickly.


Test for Front End candidates


Language:JavaScript 76.5%Language:SCSS 20.5%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:HTML 0.6%