Project test for Youshop.
Note: I would like to apologize for not having done the template part, if this is an impediment I will understand. I haven't worked with templates in years, and while the test deadline was excellent, I had a pretty unusual week, so I didn't have time to review how to do it.
Assuming you docker and pre-commit (optional but recommended)
Clone the project:
git clone
Enter the project folder and create a .env
use .env.example
cd trees-everywhere
cp .env.example .env
Build image
docker compose build
Start project
docker compose up
Now he performs the migrations, create a super user with login
and passwordqwerty
and starts the project in localhost
To guarantee a quality code, install the pre-commit.
Update hooks (optional)
pre-commit autoupdate
Install the hooks
pre-commit install
Now the linters will be executed at each commit
To check if everything is in order before the commit run
pre-commit run -a
django-configurations - A helper for organizing Django settings.
django-cache-url - Use Cache URLs in your Django application.
dj-database-url - Use Database URLs in your Django Application.
dj-email-url - Use an URL to configure email backend settings in your Django Application.
gunicorn - WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
whitenoise - Radically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications
model_bakery - Smart fixtures for better tests
djangorestframework - Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.
django-outbox-pattern - A django application to make it easier to use the transactional outbox pattern