hughhan1 / Maze

Random Maze Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a command-line Java application to generate random mazes.

How Does It Work?

  1. An n x m matrix is generated, which contains n x m cells. Initially, each cell is generated with four walls surrounding it.
  2. All of the cells are dumped into a union-find data structure. Cells are disjoint when there are no paths connecting them. In other words, exist walls that them off from each other.
  3. Random walls are then processed.
  • If there exists a path from the cell on one side of the wall to the cell on the other side of the wall, do nothing.
  • Otherwise, remove the wall between those two cells and union the cells in the union-find data structure.
  1. Repeat Step 3 until there are no disjoint sets in the union-find data structure. At that point, every cell will be reachable from any other cell in the maze.


To use this application:

  1. Clone this repository using git clone
  2. Compile the source code using javac *.java.
  3. Run java MazeDriver <rows> <cols>, where and are the number of rows and columns of your maze.


$ cd ~/Desktop
$ git clone
$ javac *.java
$ java MazeDriver 15 20

This will generate a random 15 x 20 maze, with 15 rows and 20 columns.


Random Maze Generator


Language:Java 100.0%