hubiinetwork / nahmii-contract-abstractions

Abstractions for nahmii-contracts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About the contract abstractions

This package hosts contract abstractions generated from the deployment of nahmii contracts to the Ethereum mainnet and to Ropsten testnet, found in branches master and develop, respectively.

About nahmii

nahmii is hubii's scaling solution for the Ethereum block chain. It is a hybrid centralized/decentralized solution that enables instant (micro-) payments, trading and trustless settlements.

About hubii

See for more information.


  • To use this software you need a modern version of NodeJS and NPM. We recommend having the current LTS version (v8.x) installed, or later, and updating NPM to the latest available version.
  • You will also need an API key for access to hubii's APIs.


To install the SDK into your project, simply run:

npm install nahmii-contract-abstractions

Contract abstractions

The package includes directory build/contracts that contains the actual contract abstractions.


In a dependent project it will often be more convenient to have the abstractions available in its own build/contracts directory rather than having to refer to the lengthy node_modules/nahmii-contract-abstractions/build/contracts.

The package contains scripts to symlink its build/contracts to ../../build/contracts. In order to run the script you may run

npm run symlink:build

Alternatively a call to

npm run symlink:build:force

will also delete previously existent ../../build/contracts as seen from the package directory (node_modules/nahmii-contract-abstractions).

Usage in Node.js context

The contract abstractions may be required into Node.js scripts and used in contexts of web3, ethers or Truffle.

Assuming the above symlink has been carried out a simple script may be as follows:

const ClientFundAbstn = require('./build/contracts/ClientFund.json'); 

// 0xcc8d82f6ba952966e63001c7b320eef2ae729099

// [ { constant: false,
//     inputs: [ [Object] ],
//     name: 'authorizeRegisteredService',
//     outputs: [],
//     payable: false,
//     stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
//     type: 'function' },
//   { constant: true,
//     inputs: [ [Object] ],
//     name: 'isRegisteredBeneficiary',
// ...

If no symlink has been done a contract abstraction may rather be required as

const abstractions = require('nahmii-contract-abstractions');

// { contractName: 'ClientFund',
//   abi:
//    [ { constant: false,
//        inputs: [Array],
//        name: 'authorizeRegisteredService',
//        outputs: [],
//        payable: false,
//        stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
//        type: 'function' },
// ...

The full set of names of contract abstractions may be obtained as

// [ 'BalanceTracker',
//   'BlockNumbCurrenciesLib',
//   'BlockNumbDisdIntsLib',
//   'BlockNumbIntsLib',
//   'BlockNumbUintsLib',
//   'ClientFund',
//   'Configuration',
// ...

Event samples

The package also includes directory events containing samples of events emitted from contracts. There is one JSON file per contract.


Similar to contract abstractions the package contains scripts to symlink its events to ../../events in a dependent project. In order to run the script you may run

npm run symlink:events


npm run symlink:events:force

The latter will delete previously existent ../../events as seen from the package directory (node_modules/nahmii-contract-abstractions).

Usage in Node.js context

As with contract abstractions events may be required into a Node.js context by

const ClientFundEvents = require('./events/ClientFund.json');

if previous symlink has been carried out. Alternatively an event may be required as

const ReceiveEvent = require('nahmii-contract-abstractions').getEvent('ClientFund', 'ReceiveEvent');


Abstractions for nahmii-contracts

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%