huanhuande / seata-esamples


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SpringBoot + Dubbo + Mybatis + Nacos + Seata

Integration SpringBoot + Dubbo + Mybatis + Nacos + Seata

1. clone the code

  • samples-common common module

  • samples-account user account module

  • samples-order order module

  • samples-storage storage module

  • samples-business business module

2. prepare database

create database (默认为:seata),import db_seata.sql to database

then you will see :

| Tables_in_seata         |
| t_account               |
| t_order                 |
| t_storage               |
| undo_log                |

3. start Nacos

Nacos quickstart:

enter the Nacos webconsole:

4. start Seata Server

download page:

download and unzip seata-server,cd the bin dictory, and run

sh 8091 file

5. start the demo module

start samples-account、samples-order、samples-storage、samples-business

use Nacos webconsole to ensure the registry is ok:

check the datasource config in is right.

6. start the normal request

use postman to send a post request:http://localhost:8104/business/dubbo/buy



or use curl:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"userId":"1","commodityCode":"P190510529590122","name":"风扇","count":2,"amount":"100"}' localhost:8104/business/dubbo/buy

then this will send a pay request,and return code is 200

7. test the rollback request

enter samples-business , change BusinessServiceImpl, uncomment the following code :

if (!flag) {
  throw new RuntimeException("测试抛异常后,分布式事务回滚!");

restart the samples-business module, and execute the step 6.




Language:Java 94.6%Language:TSQL 5.4%