huangyxi / vscode-helloworld

"Hello world!" for LaTeX, C++, Python in IDE vscode (Visual Studio Code)

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"Hello world!" demonstrations for LaTeX, C++, Python in IDE Editor VS Code (Visual Studio Code)


Visual Studio Code is a modern editor that allows you customizing to coding better. You can customize VS Code by installing extensions and creating some short config files.

This project is a Minimum Working Example (in my opinion😉) to show how to print Hello world! in different programming languages by using VS Code. This project is tested only on my Windows 10 computer. If you are using a Mac or Linux machine, some details may differ.

Getting Started

Before printing Hello world!, we need to install VS Code first.

The official documentation is always very important and very accurate, we should read it first.

However, in some cases, the official documentation assumes that we should know something but we don't actually know it. I know this is not their intention, because they are already proficient in using these softwares, and the basic operations are not worth introducing. Learning a lot of new concepts at once can be difficult for some newbies. So in this project, I will only introduce the Tips that have to be understood. Instead, I will post the operations and the related config files. You just need to:

  1. Make some preparations for your external development environment (e.g. TeX Live for LaTeX);
  2. Download the subfolder (e.g. latex) you need into your computer;
  3. Right-click the folder (e.g. latex) and click "Open Folder as VS Code Project";
  4. Install some specific extensions mentioned in specified Instructions;
  5. Compile or run the project through the Instructions, and witness "Hello world!";
  6. Make some changes to the source file(s) (not config file(s)), re-compile or re-run, until meeting your requirements.

I believe that in your later use, you will gradually understand the reasons for these configurations.



Like VIM and other editors, the settings of VS Code are human-editable files. All settings for each project are located in ./.vscode/, and they are all in JSON format. In general, for most projects, three settings files are important. They are:

(Global settings for Windows 10 device are located in %APPDATA%/Code/User/, e.g. C:/Users/Markhng/AppData/Roaming/Code/User/, you can copy some global settings to here)


These configurations are not the focus of this project. Most of them are simple. Here are just some links for reference:


The content of the project vscode-helloworld by Huang Yuxi itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

And the underlying source code is licensed under the MIT License.


"Hello world!" for LaTeX, C++, Python in IDE vscode (Visual Studio Code)
