huangxinbo / harmonoid

[WIP] 🎵 Elegant music app to play & manage music library & YouTube Music client.

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🎵 Elegant music app to play & manage music library & YouTube Music client.


[work-in-progress] [report-bugs-or-request-features] [patreon]





Supports Windows 7 or later.

On Windows, setup is recommended as it automatically links with files & file explorer context menus.


Any modern Linux distribution.

On Debian or Ubuntu based distros, you need to install mpv & libmpv-dev to be able to install & run the app.

sudo apt install mpv libmpv-dev
sudo dpkg -i harmonoid-linux-x86_64.deb

Similar instructions can be followed on your favorite distro.


  • Coming soon.


Current features

  • Powerful music library management based on metadata tags. Indexes music into group of albums & artists.
  • Capable of indexing 20 files/second (on Windows) & saves cache for future app start-ups.
  • Cross-platform (currently aiming Windows, Linux & Android).
  • mpv based music playback for strong format support (on Linux & Windows) using dart:ffi.
  • Taskbar & System Media Transport Controls for Windows.
  • Small installer (< 25 MB) & low RAM usage (< 120 MB) (tested on Windows, still see limitations).
  • Lyrics for all your music.
  • Very strictly follows Material Design guidelines for UI & animations.
  • Ability to create persistent or "Now playing" playlists.
  • Context menu integrations & file associations (exclusive to setup version).
  • Discord RPC integration.
  • Portable (if you wish).
  • Does not use electron.js.
  • D-Bus MPRIS controls for Linux.
  • Gapless playback.

Upcoming features

  • Mini-window mode.
  • Minimization to system tray.
  • Music visualizations.
  • Tag editor.
  • Time-synced lyrics.
  • Equalizer.
  • scrobbling.
  • Plugin API.
  • Windows 11 IExplorerCommand integration.
  • Publishing to Microsoft Store & other places.
  • Support for remaining macOS & iOS platforms.
  • YOU Tell 😄


[hopefully these will be resolved over time]

A lot of time has went into making this project possible using Flutter & nearly everything has been written from ground-up (from low-level C/C++ plugins to UI & business-logic in Flutter/Dart).

Flutter is quite new at the time for desktop & every new (even basic) functionality in the app is a research itself.

Nothing at the time is very stable & every new feature is a new discovery. Just have fun, learn & share your knowledge!

Few issues regarding memory usage alone can be:

In most cases as of now (Windows & Linux), memory usage will be really low at fresh start of the application & will continue to rise (although slowly) overtime with no specific reason.


1. Keyboard shortcuts

  • Space: Play or pause.
  • Alt + N: Next song.
  • Alt + B: Previous song.
  • Alt + M: mute or un-mute.
  • Alt + V: Volume increase.
  • Alt + C: Volume decrease.
  • Alt + X: Seek forwards.
  • Alt + Z: Seek backwards.

2. Indexing your music

To show your local music inside Harmonoid, you can go to the settings & click "ADD NEW FOLDER". This will show a new window, where you can select a folder where all your music is stored. After selecting the folder, your music collection inside the application will start building.

Your music will be categorized into albums, artists etc. & you'll be able to freely browse music album-wise or artist-wise etc. while being able to sort it alphabetically or year-wise etc.

As of now, you can still browse/play your music while it is being indexed.

Next time when you start the app, your music collection will be retrieved from the cache.

To remove a folder from your music collection, just click on "REMOVE" next to the folder you might wanna remove in the settings page.

3. Managing playback queue

By default, the app will attempt to play the song that you click on, while adding songs after it to the queue. To add more songs to the queue, simply right click on the new song & click "Add to now playing".

You can also configure to automatically play other songs from your collection when the queue is finished.

4. Creating a playlist

To create a new playlist, you need to go the the "PLAYLISTS" tab & click "CREATE NEW PLAYLIST". This will ask you a name for your new shiny playlist. After its creation, you can click on your favorite song to add it to the required playlist. This can help you greatly organize your music collection.

You can add both local music & music from web URLs to these playlists.

5. Playing songs from YouTube Music

Currently, YouTube Music support works well in terms of performance & features. However, authentication is not implemented yet. Right now, you can:

  • Play songs.
  • Play songs from URL.
  • Search for songs, videos, albums, artists & playlists.
  • Browse albums, artists & playlists.
  • Get recommendations.
  • Get suggestions.
  • Save to playlists (still streamed over the internet).

We intend to improve in future & you can contribute to this. Downloading is never going to be a feature inside the application.

6. Playing from File Explorer

You can play music directly from file explorer if you installed Harmonoid using the setup installer or from Microsoft Store.

You can also right click a folder to "Add to Harmonoid's Playlist".

7. Viewing a YouTube Music song on website

If you're playing a song from YouTube Music & want to hear it on website instead, you can simply go to the "Now Playing Screen" by an arrow in the bottom-right corner of the application. Hovering over the album art, you'll see an icon hinting to open the song in your web-browser. Click on it & you're on YouTube Music website.

8. Playing a YouTube URL

Just enter the YouTube or YouTube Music URL in the search field & hit enter. It'll start playing immediately.

9. Troubleshoot

If you encounter some problem like you're unable to start the app or see an error screen, you can try to delete the .Harmonoid folder in your home directory. WARNING: This will also delete your music indexing cache & playlists. Best decision can be to report us at our Discord.

10. Hacking

If you wish to really configure properties of the app which are not available in the UI yet, you may edit the .JSON files in ~/.Harmonoid directory.


An incomplete list of people who are working (or worked) on the project in past:


  •   Hitesh Kumar Saini
    • Lead developer. Deals with playback & indexing of media. Writes UI, state management & lifecycle code. Manages native plugins.
  •   Yehuda Kremer
    • UI & animation improvements. Application persistence & other important features. MSIX package for the store publishing.
  •   Denis
    • Major bug-fixes & Windows installer. Russian translation.
  •   Mitja Ševerkar
    • WinGet package. Backward Windows compatiblity checks. Bug reports. CI. Slovenian translation.
  •   Prateek Sunal
    • RPM package. Bug reports. Hindi translation.
  •   Bruno D'Luka
    • User interface & design. Portuguese translation.
  •   Gaetan Jonathan BAKARY
    • Linux related bug-fixes. French translation.
  •   Tamim Arafat
    • User interface & design. Bug reports.
  •   Leon
    • User interface fixes, app persistence improvements. Dutch translation.


  •   Bluebell
    • Artwork & iconography used in the application.




Ensure that you have Flutter SDK & the required toolchain e.g. Visual Studio for Windows, Android Studio for Android installed.

git clone --single-branch --recursive --branch master
cd harmonoid
flutter build windows
flutter build linux

Compiling with private packages

As of now, if you wish to gain access to all the private packages (and other source code within GitHub organization) used in Harmonoid, you may become a Patreon & support the development.

Compiling without private packages

You can compile Harmonoid yourself by removing references to following private plugins & replacing them with my following other already publicly available packages:

Private package Open-source alternative Notes
libmpv.dart dart_vlc & flutter_media_metadata All features may not work, performance may not be as tuned. The resultant bundle size may be larger in size.
smtc-win32 libwinmedia libwinmedia was used in earlier versions of application for media playback & still available under MIT license.
mpris_service.dart - No alternatives available.
harmonoid_visual_assets - Contains iconography & pictures used within the project. You can simply disable.


The source-code in this repository and official releases/binaries are distributed under our End-User License Agreement for Harmonoid (EULA).

Third-Party Credits

  • Harmonoid is (for the most part) written in Dart programming language using Flutter SDK. Refrences to all the other external "plugins" & "packages" used at the time of building application can be found here.

  • Harmonoid uses a modified version of libmpv for media playback capabilities on desktop. The compilation setup & other information can be found here. The application bundles a minimal & LGPL compilant version of mpv shared library (mpv-2.dll). Users are free to update/change to their own preferred libmpv by replacing the mpv-2.dll file present in Harmonoid's application directory.

  • Harmonoid also depends upon some of the awesome packages available on A complete list of those can be found here.

  • YouTube & YouTube Music is owned by Google LLC. Playback of videos & music is governed by YouTube Terms of Service. The application does not store any music/video streams locally, neither saves files on the disk. The content is shown in a manner similar to how a normal web-browser functions.


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[WIP] 🎵 Elegant music app to play & manage music library & YouTube Music client.


Language:Dart 91.4%Language:C++ 3.0%Language:Inno Setup 2.3%Language:CMake 1.8%Language:Kotlin 0.7%Language:C 0.2%Language:Python 0.2%Language:PowerShell 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.0%