For building LAMA on your system please consider the installation requirements below and install required packages.
A description on how to build LAMA is given afterwards or refer to our homepage --> Documentation --> Installation
- CMake >= 2.8.8
- C/C++ compiler (OpenMP 3.0, support of C++11 mandatory)
- BLAS- and LAPACK-Library (Intel MKL, BLAS)
- Nvidia GPU: CUDA >= 7.0 (with cuBLAS, cuSPARSE)
- Boost-Library tests (unit-test-framework), Version 1.61 or higher
- Metis/ParMetis
- Java
- Sphinx for the user documentation
- Doxygen for the system documentation
extract tar.gz and change into folder $ tar -xzvf libama-x.x.x.tar.gz $ cd libama-x.x.x
create a build directory and change to it $ mkdir $ cd
configure cmake by giving the install prefix and pointing to the LAMA-src dir: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path/to/install/dir> [optional options] ../scai
You can give cmake some hints where to find recommended/optional software either by setting environment variables or by passing variables to cmake.
$ export METIS=ROOT=<metis_installation_directory>
$ export PARMETIS_ROOT=<parmetis_installation_directory>
$ export BOOST_ROOT=<...>
$ export MKL_ROOT=<...>
$ export MPI_HOME=<...>
$ cmake [ -DMETIS_ROOT=<metis_installation_director> -DPARMETIS_ROOT=<..> ...] ....
start the build and installation process by running make (optionally in parallel):
$ make [-j <num_processes>]
If the Boost unit-test framework is available you can run the tests as follows:
$ make check
you can build the system doc (doxygen documentation) and the user doc (sphinx) as follows:
$ make doc
You can view the documentation by calling the browser with the start file LAMA.html.
$ <browser> doc/LAMA.html
If the build was successful, you can install the LAMA software. You have to make sure that you have access rights for the installation directory.
$ [sudo] make install