hstefan / energy-sensors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Energy Sensors

A collection of services meant to receive, parse, and process telemetric data from energy sensors.

The core service is logservice, which is responsible for receiving energy sensor data, as well as exposing useful clustering statistics, calculated automatically by it on a separate worker thread when a given event count is reached. Provides the following views:

  • POST /log/store: saves sensor data based on the request data, interally incrementing the event count on the worker thread and triggering clustering computation. Relies on HTTP status codes to inform the client about the store result, returning either an empty JSON that will be empty for sucessful queries, but contains a detailed error message in case of failure.
  • GET /clusters/summary: returns a JSON representation of the calculated statistics for all cluster data. Note that no elaborated computation is necessary for this request, as it relies on data that was previously calculated by /log/store and stored on the database.

An optional service called parseservice is also provided, which provides a single /log/parse view, that parses the POSTed data and returns a JSON representing that data. The idea of this modularization is that /log/store will bypass parsing the event to its internal dictionary if the Content-Type request header is set to application/json. Since the parsing is a pure and stateless procedure, there can be as many instances of this service as needed, aiding scalability by diverting the parsing load to this separate service.

Development and Testing Setup

#create virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -e .
# initializes databases

The setup process was tested in a Linux environment, but it should still work with other systems that support python (possibly with some shell adaptations).

Running the Test Suite

Note: assumes the virtualenv was correctly set-up and is currently active.

nosetests tests/

Future work: improve coverability.

Running the Services

Note: assumes the virtualenv was correctly set-up and is currently active.

# log service, binds to port 5000
# parse service, binds to port 5001 (optional)

Running the Demo Automated Clients

Note: assumes the virtualenv was correctly set-up and is currently active.

# sends lines read from res/event.txt one-by-one to the log store service
./scripts/send_events.py "http://localhost:5000/log/store" res/events.txt

# sends pre-parsed data to /log/store by forwarding responses from /log/parse
./scripts/send_distributed_events.py "http://localhost:5001/log/parse" "http://localhost:5000/log/store" res/events.txt

If any of those scripts is ran at least once, http://localhost:5000/clusters/summary should report the calculated attributes for each cluster, the input file contained at least 1000 rows.



Language:Python 100.0%