이현승's repositories
Coding-Insight is another KFASC project which recieved the Chairman's Award. It did not recieve the respect it got from the judges because of their lack of understanding web development. But it has been used to taught few hundreds coding in Voice of Calling organization
This NPM library has an organized and precise code for scanning and detecting barcodes with the best support for users and developers using this tool. It is based on the Web API Barcode Detection API.
Just another stupid chatbot designed with Python with the stupidest algorithm you could ever think of made when I have only been coding in Python for less than a month.
My custom Brave filter I found was not specified in the originl AdBlock filter lists. This is the AdBlock filter syntax used in Brave Browser which you can include by going to settings and adding the url.
Finals Calculator is a simple app that calculates your final score in a class. It is designed to be used in the Korean education system, but it can be used in other education systems as well
My root formula which struck me when I was traveling to Devil's Mountain in a car. It is later implemented in Python. This formula is just another variation of Maclaurin Series.
특정한 날을 기준으로 과거 몇 년전에 있었던 중요한 사건을 알아보는 앱
Rubiks Cube App that shows how much repetition is required to finish a pattern. It also shows the estimated time, total turns needed, and repetition of the pattern.
My VSCode settings.json
The voice-activiated Ping Pong (Table Tennis) scoreboard peeking tracks of the score for you. It is programmed to recognize Korean speech and speaks the score out loud with additional contexts in English.
An app for South Koreans for calculating how much they would need to calculate the money it takes to raise a baby. Based on the 2021 standard of Seoul Family Court
E-icon competition project based on React Native. This React Native App is for teaching and showing science experiments to learn science theories effectively.
Korean code fair 2023 hackathon preparation
A package that handles the polygonziation (coordinates for the area) of specific districct in South Korea. Intended for uses with Kakao Map or Naver Map
A basic outline of Python code and example poem CSV files. Using sklearn and pandas, analyze the message, year, author e.t.c. of the peom.
🤯 Official Neurosity JavaScript SDK
Google Analytics component for Svelte
Tabs component for Svelte