hsanson / chrome-pass

Chrome plugin for pass - the standard Unix password manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chrome Pass

This repository contains a Chrome extension that integrates the pass password manager with Chrome.

There are two folders in this repository that contain:

  1. extension: This is the chrome extension (javascript) that is added to Chrome or Chromium browser.
  2. application: This is a Chrome Native Application written in python that serves as communication host between the extension and password store.

To use the extension you need to install the extension in your chrome or chromium browser and the python native application (chrome_pass).


  1. Chrome version 107 or newer.
  2. Python 3+.
  3. pip 23.0 or newer
  4. pass cli tool.
  5. pass-otp (optional for TOTP MFA support).
  6. Running gpg-agent
  7. A pinentry program configured.

Quick Installation

These instructions have been tested in Ubuntu 22.04 and later:

Python native pass application install

sudo apt-get install pass python3 python3-pip
pip install --user chrome-pass==0.5.1
chrome_pass install

Chrome extension install

Get the extension from Chrome Web Store.

Password Store

To reduce the code complexity of this extension there are some assumptions regarding how the password store is structured. In order for this extension to be able to list and decrypt your passwords these assumptions must be followed:

Password Store Location

This extension assumes the password store is located inside the .password-store folder inside your home directory:


In case you have the password store located somewhere else you may try using a symbolic link to work around this limitation.

Password Paths

This plugin assumes that the last two parts of each password path follows this structure:

[Service URL]/[Username]

For example to keep some Gmail and Amazon accounts:

Password Store
├── mail.google.com
│   ├── me@gmailcom 
│   ├── you@gmail.com
│   └── we@gmail.com
└── Amazon
     ├── www.amazon.com
     │   ├── me@gmail.com
     │   └── wife@icloud.com
     └── www.amazon.co.jp
          ├── me@gmail.com
          └── wife@icloud.com

Your paths can have as many parts as you want as long as the last two follow the above structure. And the [Service URL] part must match the URL of the page you are viewing because it is used to select the corresponding password from the store.


If the pass file has configured pass-otp, then chrome-pass will generate the TOTP code and fill any numeric text inputs in the form with it.

AWS IAM Accounts

For IAM accounts we need not only the login user and password but also the account 12 digit ID or alias. For these accounts, chrome-pass has some special logic to be able to fill all information in the login page.

Password Store
├── signin.aws.amazon.com
│   ├── my_root@email.com 
│   ├── my_other_root@gmail.com
│   ├── 183413992345
│   ├── 550312930456-username1
│   ├── 550312930456-username2
│   └── accountalias
  1. The [Service URL] must be signin.aws.amazon.com that is the URL for login into the console.
  2. For root accounts the [Account] can be the root account email used for login.
  3. For IAM accounts the [Account] can be anything that uniquely identifies the credentials. For example the account 12-digit ID, or the account alias, or a combination of the account 12-digit ID and the IAM username.
  4. For IAM accounts edit the password GPG file using pass edit ... and add two key/value pairs:
    • username=[IAM username]
    • account=[12 digit AWS account id or alias]

Custom input fields

The chrome-pass extension looks for any key/value pairs in the pass gpg files and fills any input field with ID equal to the key with the corresponding value.

In addition if the value is set to the following placeholder values they are replaced:

  • pass__user: Replaced with the [Username] extracted from the last part of the pass path.
  • pass__password: Replaced with the decrypted pass password.
  • pass__otpauth: Replaced with the pass-otp code if available.

This allows chrome-pass to work with some non-standard login forms like the Apple Id login form. This login page lacks a form element and relies in javascript to work. Fortunatelly the username and password input fields have well defined IDs that we can set in the chrome-pass file to let it work:

# chrome-pass for Apple ID login from.

Install from source

This is for developers only or people that want to see the source code before trusting their passwords to some extension written by an unknown person.

Inside Chrome open the url chrome://extensions, check the Developer mode and then load the path to the extension folder using the Load unpacked extension button. After the extension is loaded into Chrome take note of the extension ID.

Next we need to install the chrome_pass wrapper script and install the Native Host Application manifest:

cd application
pip install --upgrade setuptools build --user
python -m build
pip install . --user
chrome_pass install [extension ID]


  • Open any web page with a login form.
  • Click the pass button in the Chrome tool bar.
  • Click the username you want to fill into the login form from the list.
    • You may type a search term in the search box to filter the list of usernames.
  • The form should be automatically filled with the username and corresponding password.

Version 0.5.1 Notes

Replace otpoauth custom fields with pass__otpauth in you pass files. The otpoauth custom field will be removed and won't work in future releases.

Native application and extension 0.5.1 are not compatible with previous version. Ensure both are 0.5.1 for them to work properly.

Version 0.5.0 Notes

The nativePass script has been renamed to chrome_pass.

Version 0.5.0 of chrome-pass uses setuptools instead of distutils to package and install the native application. When installing you may get errors such as:

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'chrome-pass'. It is a distutils installed project and
thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead
to only a partial uninstall.

In this situation is necessary to manually uninstall older versions of the package:

  1. Remove nativePass script. Find it using which nativePass.
  2. Find where site-packages are installed (e.g. /var/lib/python3.10/site-packages) and remove all chrome_pass-0.X.0... files and directories.


If for some reason the extension is unable to get the list of usernames from your password store the most probable reasons are:

  • The password store is not located on the default path (~/.password-store). If it is not there you may be able to create a symlink so the extension is able to find the passwords.
  • The native host application manifest is in the wrong location. This manifest tells Chrome where to find the native application used to retrieve the passwords and username list. This file is usually located at ~/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts folder and MUST be named com.piaotech.chrome.extension.pass.json.
  • The chrome_pass script has a helper method to generate the native host manifest chrome_pass install [extension id] so use it to generate the manifest. If you do not give it am [extension id] it will generate the manifest with the id of the extension from the chrome web store.
  • Another possible issue is that the manifest contents does not match your system:
    • Ensure the path contains the absolute path to the location of the chrome_pass wrapper script.
    • Ensure the allowed_origins contains the URI with the exact extension ID installed in Chrome. To get the extension ID simply browse chrome: //extensions and look for the ID of the chrome-pass extension installed.

Note about python-gnupg

It has been found that the chrome_pass application is unable to decrypt the gpg passwords with some newer versions of python-gnupg. I can verify that the plugin works without issues when using gnupg module version 0.3.9 found by default in Ubuntu 16.04LTS.

See related issue for details at: Github.

Note about MacOS

If the plugin works when you launch chrome from within a terminal, but does not work when launched from Spotlight or any other launcher, then ensure the PATH environment variable is correctly set by the launcher.

See related issue for details at: Github


Chrome plugin for pass - the standard Unix password manager

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 51.8%Language:Python 42.6%Language:CSS 3.1%Language:HTML 2.5%