hrithiqball / apollo-fastify

A full stack project that connects to mongodb, postgresql and apollo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Description

This project is a monorepo containing both server-side and client-side applications. The server is built with Fastify and utilizes Prisma ORM for database interactions. It offers both a REST API and a GraphQL API powered by Apollo Server.

The frontend, bootstrapped by Vite, is built with React and features Tailwind CSS for styling. It also includes GraphQL Apollo Client for interacting with the GraphQL API provided by the server.



  • Built with Fastify
  • Custom authentication system
  • Utilizes Prisma ORM for database operations
  • Provides both REST API and GraphQL API (Apollo Server)


  • Bootstrapped by Vite
  • Developed with React
  • Styled using Tailwind CSS
  • Utilizes GraphQL Apollo Client for fetching data from the server


A full stack project that connects to mongodb, postgresql and apollo


Language:TypeScript 91.6%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:JavaScript 2.0%Language:HTML 1.5%