hrbrmstr / qrencoder

:white_square_button: Make QR codes in R via libqrencode

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qrencoder : Make QR codes in R

There is another package on CRAN -- qrcode -- that is not C-backed.

Quick Response codes (QR codes) are a type of matrix bar code and can be used to authenticate transactions, provide access to multi-factor authentication services and enable general data transfer in an image. QR codes use four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to efficiently store data. Matrix barcode generation is performed efficiently in C via the included 'libqrencoder' library created by Kentaro Fukuchi.

The following functions are implemented:

  • qrencode: Return a QR encoded string as a matrix
  • qrencode_df: Return a QR encoded string as an x, y, z data.frame
  • qrencode_png: Return a QR encoded string as a base 64 encoded inline png
  • qrencode_raster: Return a QR encoded string as a raster object
  • qrencode_svg: Return a QR encoded string as an svg string




#> Loading required package: raster
#> Loading required package: sp

# current verison
#> [1] '0.2.1'

url <- ""
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
#> [1,]    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0    1     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     1     1     1     1
#> [2,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1     1     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0
#> [3,]    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0     0     1     1     1     0     1     0     1     1     1     0
#> [4,]    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    1     0     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     1     1     0
#> [5,]    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0     1     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     1     1     0
#> [6,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0     0     1     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0
#>      [,21]
#> [1,]     1
#> [2,]     1
#> [3,]     1
#> [4,]     1
#> [5,]     1
#> [6,]     1

#>   x  y z
#> 1 0 20 1
#> 2 1 20 1
#> 3 2 20 1
#> 4 3 20 1
#> 5 4 20 1
#> 6 5 20 1

#> [1] ""

#> class       : RasterLayer 
#> dimensions  : 21, 21, 441  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#> resolution  : 0.04761905, 0.04761905  (x, y)
#> extent      : 0, 1, 0, 1  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : NA 
#> data source : in memory
#> names       : layer 
#> values      : 0, 1  (min, max)

      asp=1, col=c("white", "black"), axes=FALSE, 
      xlab="", ylab="")


#> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
#> <!-- Created with qrencode 3.9.0 ( -->
#> <svg width="2.01cm" height="2.01cm" viewBox="0 0 19 19" preserveAspectRatio="none" version="1.1" xmlns="">
#>  <g id="QRcode">
#>      <rect x="0" y="0" width="19" height="19" fill="#ffffff" />
#>      <g id="Pattern">
#>          <rect x="-1" y="-1" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="-1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="-1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="-1" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="0" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="1" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="1" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="1" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="1" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="2" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="2" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="2" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="3" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="3" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="3" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="3" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="3" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="3" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="3" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="4" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="5" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="5" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="9" y="5" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="5" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="5" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="6" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="6" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="7" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="2" y="7" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="7" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="7" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="7" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="17" y="7" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="0" y="8" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="3" y="8" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="8" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="8" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="8" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="0" y="9" width="6" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="9" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="9" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="14" y="9" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="17" y="9" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="9" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="0" y="10" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="6" y="10" width="6" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="10" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="10" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="18" y="10" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="3" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="11" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="14" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="16" y="11" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="12" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="12" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="14" y="12" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="12" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="13" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="13" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="13" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="13" width="4" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="14" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="14" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="14" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="14" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="14" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="15" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="15" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="15" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="15" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="12" y="15" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="14" y="15" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="16" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="16" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="16" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="16" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="11" y="16" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="16" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="18" y="16" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="1" y="17" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="8" y="17" width="4" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="15" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="17" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="19" y="17" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="18" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="5" y="18" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="18" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="10" y="18" width="2" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="14" y="18" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="16" y="18" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="-1" y="19" width="7" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="7" y="19" width="3" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="13" y="19" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>          <rect x="18" y="19" width="1" height="1" fill="#000000" />
#>      </g>
#>  </g>
#> </svg>

Test Results


#> [1] "Sun Nov  5 08:04:50 2017"

#> testthat results ========================================================================================================
#> DONE ===================================================================================================================

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


:white_square_button: Make QR codes in R via libqrencode


Language:C 90.4%Language:C++ 6.1%Language:R 3.5%