hrasmussendk / icloud2lr_photoimport

Move photos from iCloud photo library to a directory from where Lightroom can import them

Repository from Github https://github.comhrasmussendk/icloud2lr_photoimportRepository from Github https://github.comhrasmussendk/icloud2lr_photoimport

icloud 2 Lightroom photoimport

Moves images from Apple iCloud photo library to a directory from where Lightroom can import them


The script should be run from cron every minute.

Directories left empty will be deleted if untouched more than one minute.

It then looks for files in the Fotobibliotek.photoslibrary/Masters library that hasn't been updated for more than 0 seconds. This is to prevent moving files still beind written in the photo library.

Files found will be moved to a local direcroty outside the photo library, from where Lightroom or similar app are able to import it.


Originally the shell script was made just as a quick rutine to move files from A to B. No configuration, no style, just for the time being.

In the effort to learn GitHub, version controle, Python and Pycharm (in some locations using Mergurial), the script could serve that purpose.


Move photos from iCloud photo library to a directory from where Lightroom can import them