hqtan / mqtt-exercise-python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


How to run app

To run locally

(requirements: localhost needs docker and docker-compose (v1) to be installed and running) N.B: if you have docker compose (v2) installed instead, follow step 2 in the section on running app on ec2 instead

  1. clone repo
git clone https://github.com/hqtan/mqtt-exercise-python.git`
cd mqtt-exercise-python
  1. run docker-compose to see the calculated averages N.B:
  • the first run may take a while, as it pulls and builds the docker images
docker-compose up --build

console out should look something like this:

stats_subscriber    |   avg_1min    avg_5min    avg_30min
stats_subscriber    | ----------  ----------  -----------
stats_subscriber    |         46        45.7      47.1778
stats_subscriber    |   avg_1min    avg_5min    avg_30min
stats_subscriber    | ----------  ----------  -----------
stats_subscriber    |         56          49      48.2391
stats_subscriber    |   avg_1min    avg_5min    avg_30min
stats_subscriber    | ----------  ----------  -----------
stats_subscriber    |       60.4     50.6667           49

to run app in 'verbose' mode (to see the console output of mosquitto, publisher and subscriber container), run this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-debug.yml up --build

To run on EC2 instance

  1. ssh to ec2 instance
  2. docker and docker-compose has already been installed, and the repo has already been cloned. cd to repo and run docker compose
docker compose up --build --attach stats_subscriber

to run app in 'verbose' mode (to see the console output of mosquitto, publisher and subscriber container), run this command:

docker compose up --build

Systems diagram


Design assumptions

  • all published messages must be received by subscriber(s), ie: no dropped messages
  • no auth and TLS used: publisher and subscriber running in secure environment
  • timestamp not timezone sensitive (in UTC time)
  • messages can be stored in sqlite db
  • all the processes can be containerised

Design decisions

  • All processes are containerised. They are separated into 4 containers:
    • mosquitto (broker) - runs the mosquitto mqtt broker
    • publisher - runs the publish.py python process. Publishes a number between 1-100 at random intervals between 1-30 seconds to 'DATA' topic
    • subscriber - runs the subscribe.py python process. It does a number of things:
      • subscribes to 'DATA' topic
      • creates a messages db table (if it doesn't exist), and inserts messages from 'DATA' topic into table
      • cleans messages from table that are older than 35 minutes
      • gets the calculated averages from table, and publishes it to 'STATS' topic
    • stats_subscriber - runs the stats_pubsub.py python process. It subscribes from the 'STATS' topic, and prints the averages in a tabular layout to console.
  • containers are 'orchestrated' using docker compose. Start order is:
    1. mosquitto container starts up first
    2. subscriber container starts next, and connects to broker, subscribed to 'DATA' topic
    3. stats_subscriber container starts next, and connects to broker, subscribed to 'STATS' topic
    4. finally the publisher container starts, when the broker and subscriber processes are up.
  • the random numbers and associated timestamps (in epoch seconds) published on 'DATA' topic are stored in a sqlite3 db.
    • only the last 35 minutes of data are kept. The rest are deleted. This 'cleaning' process is done in the subscriber process' on_message callback.
  • Averages calculated using SQL AVG function, and then published by subscriber container to 'STATS' topic. The stats are not saved into sqlite db.
  • .env for environment variables used by python processes. The environment variables used are:
    • BROKER - the hostname for MQTT broker. Defaults to localhost. In the docker containers, this has been set to mosquitto (the name of container running the mosquitto service)
    • DB_FILE - the name of the file containing the sqlite db. Defaults to tmp/test.db
    • STATS_TOPIC - the name of the topic containing the stats
    • TOPIC - the name of the topic containing the data



Language:Python 97.1%Language:Dockerfile 2.5%Language:Shell 0.4%