hpgrahsl / backstage-playground

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Backstage QShift Showcase

The backstage QShift application has been designed to showcase QShift (Quarkus on OpenShift) and integrate the following plugins:

Note: It has been developed using backstage version: 1.21.0



First steps

Before to run the backstage playground, it is needed to perform some first steps to be able to play the scenario without issues !

Verify first that you have access to an OCP4.x cluster where Argo CD, Kubevirt, Tekton have been installed (using their corresponding operator) and are configure properly

Next create within the namespace where the pipeline will be executed to build the image the following secret

QUAY_CREDS=$(echo -n "<QUAY_USER>:<QUAY_TOKEN>" | base64)
DOCKER_CREDS=$(echo -n "<DOCKER_USER>:<DOCKER_PWD>" | base64)

cat <<EOF > config.json
  "auths": {
    "quay.io/${QUAY_ORG}": {
      "auth": "$QUAY_CREDS"
    "https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
      "auth": "$DOCKER_CREDS"
kubectl create secret generic dockerconfig-secret -n <PIPELINE_NAMESPACE> --from-file=config.json

Create a GitHub Personal Access token (see backstage instruction here) to been able to scaffold a Quarkus application within your GitHub organization


To use this project, git clone it

Create your app-config.qshift.yaml file using the app-config.qshift-example.yaml file included within this project. Take care to provide the following password/tokens:

  • GitHub Personal Access Token
  • Argo CD Cluster password
  • Argo CD Auth token
  • etc

Next run the following command:

yarn install
yarn start --config ../../app-config.qshift.yaml
yarn start-backend --config ../../app-config.qshift.yaml

Warning: If you use node 20, then export the following env var export NODE_OPTIONS=--no-node-snapshot as documented here.

Next open backstage URL, select from the left menu /create and scaffold a new project using the template Create a Quarkus application


First, log on to the ocp cluster and verify if the following operators have been installed:

  • Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator (>=1.11)
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (>= 1.13.1)

Create the app-config.qshift.yaml file containing the appropriate password, tokens, urls, etc and create a ConfigMap packaging it.

Remark: The baseURL within the app-config file should be the same as the ingress host as defined within the Helm values: idp-backstage.apps.qshift.snowdrop.dev

Next, deploy it within the namespace where backstage will run.

kubectl create configmap my-app-config -n $NAMESPACE \
  --from-file=app-config.qshift.yaml=app-config.qshift.yaml \
  -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -

Deploy backstage on the platform using this ArgoCD Application CR:

kubectl apply -f manifest/argocd.yaml

NOTE: This project builds (with the help iof a GitHub workflow) the backstage container image for openshift and pushes it on quay.io/ch007m/backstage-qshift-ocp

Verify if backstage is alive using the URL: https://idp-backstage.apps.qshift.snowdrop.dev

Clean up

To delete the GitHub repository created like the ArgoCD resources on the QShift server, use the following commands

gh repo delete github.com/ch007m/$app --yes

argocd login --insecure $ARGOCD_SERVER --username $ARGOCD_USER --password $ARGOCD_PWD --grpc-web

argocd app delete $app-bootstrap --grpc-web -y
argocd app list --grpc-web



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