hpcao299 / McQueen

A Collection Of Information-Gathering Tools 🌐

Home Page:https://pypi.org/project/McQueen/

Repository from Github https://github.comhpcao299/McQueenRepository from Github https://github.comhpcao299/McQueen

About McQueen

McQueen is an advanced command-line interface (CLI) toolkit crafted in Python, designed to empower users with information-gathering capabilities. It serves as a solution for investigating variety of Internet informations including website, IP address, email address or phone number.

McQueen Terminal Banner


Get Python downloaded on computer: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Latest release on GitHub

git clone https://github.com/hpcao299/McQueen.git
cd McQueen
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 McQueen/main.py

Latest release on PyPI

pip3 install McQueen


Short Form Long Form Description
-h --help Show the help message and exit
-i --info Track website information
-p --page Crawl website pages
-f --firewall Detect website firewall
-a --age Check domain age
-s --subdomain Scan subdomains
-o --owner Find domain owner
-l --location Trace IP address location


  • To show display menu and keyboard command:


  • To list all the basic options and switches use -h switch:

mcqueen -h

  • To track website information (IP, ports, nameservers,...):

mcqueen -i https://example.com

  • To crawl all available pages of a website:

mcqueen -p https://example.com

  • To detect a website's firewall:

mcqueen -f https://example.com

  • To check domain age and registered date:

mcqueen -a example.com

  • To enumerate subdomains of a domain:

mcqueen -s example.com

  • To find domain's registrant contact information:

mcqueen -o example.com

  • To trace IP address location:

mcqueen -l

Using McQueen as a module in your python scripts


from McQueen import track_website_information

details = track_website_information('https://example.com')


  • track_website_information: Get website information (IP, ports, nameservers,...).
  • crawl_website_pages: Crawl all available pages of a website through its sitemaps.
  • detect_firewall: Detect firewall usage of website.
  • check_domain_age: Investigate registered date and age of a domain.
  • scan_subdomain: Enumerate subdomains of a domain.
  • check_domain_registrant: Search domain's registrant / administrative contact information.
  • track_ip_location: Trace IP address details and location.


McQueen uses variety of available and legal resources on the Internet. Taking a look at these tools and resources in order for more advanced and technical purposes.


McQueen is licensed under the MIT license. Take a look at the LICENSE for more information.


This tool is open for everyone and feel free to contribute if you have any development ideas.


A Collection Of Information-Gathering Tools 🌐


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%