hotslab / angularToDo

A todo application built with Angular and AdonisJS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Frameworks used

  • Angular
  • AdonisJs

NB: Both frameworks use Javascript and NodeJs to keep the language consistent for easy maintainance


  • Node
  • Mysql / Maria database


  • Clone the project from the Github repo
git clone

1. Backend

  • Open a separate terminal.
  • Install mysql database if you do not have it, either via your linux package distributor or ideally via docker so it can be decoupled from your system.
  • Create a database called angularToDo or any other name to house the application data.
  • Assign a user to manage this database and keep their credentials for further use below.
  • Go to the bakend code for the project.
cd angularToDo/backend
  • Make a copy of the .env.example file and place the mysql database credentials you created earlier into this file.
cp .env.example .env
  • Install the node modules.
npm install
  • Run the migration files to create the tables in your database.
node ace migration:refresh
  • You can seed the database to prepopulate it with dummy data (recommended for testing).
node ace db:seed
  • This dummy data provides these two accounts with different privileges you can use to login and test with.
# Role Privileges Email Password
1 Admin Manages users and personal ToDos test
2 User Manages personal ToDos boogeyman
  • To create new users just register them in the frontend registration page
  • To create new admins run the following command below and follow the prompts it shows you
node ace create:admin
  • Run the following command to finally start the server
npm run start
  • Start the followng command in a separate terminal to automatically create notifications for overdue ToDos, and to remove old unfinished ones.
cd angularToDo/backend
npm run cron

2. Frontend

  • Install angular CLI if not installed to run ng commands
npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Open the frontend section in a seperate terminal and go to the project root
cd angularToDo/frontend
  • Install the node modules
npm install
  • Modifiy the api url in the file angularToDo/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts to match the one displayed on the terminal for the backend code runing AdonisJs should it be different from what is already in the file. Ensure it is in this format: ${your_full_backend_url}/api/

  • Run the command below to start the frontend server and copy the server url the terminal shows you, and paste it into the browser to access the site.

npm run start


1. Backend

  • Open a separate terminal window and go to the backend root folder.
cd angularToDo/backend
  • Run the following code.
npm run test
  • NB: This command removes the data already in the database. In the future a staging, testing and production database can be created should the application require to be deployed in production, or even for regular staging developemnt to preserve the data. You can run the seeding command again after testing to add back the dummy data again.

2. Frontend

  • Open a separate terminal window and go to the frontend root folder.
cd angularToDo/frontend
  • Run the following code.
npm run test


A todo application built with Angular and AdonisJS


Language:TypeScript 98.8%Language:JavaScript 0.9%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Sass 0.1%