hosford42 / LNB

Less Naive Bayes

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Less Naive Bayes

Copyright (c) Aaron Hosford 2013-2015, all rights reserved.

Less Naive Bayes is a novel classification algorithm introduced in this module, which extends the standard Naive Bayes classification algorithm to improve classification accuracy. This module implements both Naive Bayes (NB) and Less Naive Bayes (LNB) classifiers. In addition, it implements another novel variant of Naive Bayes called Inertial Naive Bayes (INB), also introduced in this module, which is similar to NB except that it is intentionally biased to repeat the same misclassifications when it is incapable of correctly classifying all inputs, rather than oscillating as standard NB does.

LNB works by successively training new INB classifiers to predict both the target classification and the misclassifications of earlier classifiers. By doing this, it successively subdivides the feature space into linearly separable subspaces which INB (and NB) are better capable of distinguishing. Eventually the feature space is transformed sufficiently that the most recent layer is fully capable of correctly classifying all samples with distinguishable features.

As an example, let's look at the ordinary XOR function. Suppose we have two features which the classifier is permitted to observe, A and B, and these features may either be present or absent. The classifier is expected to predict whether a given sample is accepted or rejected. Let's suppose that a sample is to be accepted if both A and B are present, or both A and B are absent, and that a sample is to be rejected if either A is present and B is not, or B is present and A is not. For clarity, here is a table laying out the appropriate classifications for each sample:

  A   B   | Accept
  No  No  | Yes
  Yes No  | No
  No  Yes | No
  Yes Yes | Yes

Ordinary Naive Bayes is not capable of learning this classification problem with 100% accuracy. At least one of the four types of samples will be misclassified no matter how many training samples are provided, and no matter what the proportions are of those samples in the sample space. The reason is that for Naive Bayes to separate two types of samples into distinct categories, the boundary for separating the categories must coincide with the boundary of at least one feature. As you can see, looking at the presence of A alone does not provide sufficient information to isolate any subset of the samples that belongs to a particular category from the others. Likewise for B. Only by looking at the combined values of A and B can we isolate a subset of the samples which should all be accepted or rejected. Since Naive Bayes assumes the features are independent of each other with respect to the classification categories, this means that Naive Bayes cannot look at specific combinations of values, and is therefore incapable of distinguishing the categories. However, Naive Bayes is capable of correctly classifying 3 out of the 4 sample types, while misclassifying the 4th.

The standard Naive Bayes algorithm will, depending on the frequencies of the samples, continue to shift which sample type in the above table is the one that is incorrectly classified. But by making a minor adjustment to the standard Naive Bayes algorithm, we can cause it to stabilize and consistently misclassify the same type of sample every time. This is done by adjusting the weight of observations that agree with the current classification to be greater than the weight of observations that disagree. This is the Inertial Naive Bayes algorithm.

Now, what is the point in making the errors consistent for a particular sample type? Let's make a new table, this time with both the original target classifications, and with the classifications made by an INB classifier which has settled on misclassifying samples that match the top row:

  A   B   | Accept  INB
  No  No  | Yes     No
  Yes No  | No      No
  No  Yes | No      No
  Yes Yes | Yes     Yes

Observe that the INB classifier can indeed learn the classifications assigned to it in this table, by weighting No's more heavily for both A and B. Now let's take the unique combinations of the two right-hand columns as classifications in their own right. Here is a table assigning a unique number to each unique combination of categories:

  A   B   | Accept  INB  | Combined
  No  No  | Yes     No   | 1 (Yes/No)
  Yes No  | No      No   | 2 (No/No)
  No  Yes | No      No   | 2 (No/No)
  Yes Yes | Yes     Yes  | 3 (Yes/Yes)

There are three unique combinations of target and INB classifications, each with its own assigned number. 2 appears twice because on both rows, we have the same combination of No/No, while 1 and 3 correspond to combinations that appear only once each. Now if we look at boundaries between the categories on the far right and compare them to boundaries between the features on the far left, we can see that the features can indeed be used to distinguish each of the three combined categories.

Category 1 can be distinguished from category 2 by more heavily weighting Yes's for each feature in favor of 2. Category 3 can be distinguished from category 2 by more heavily weighting No's for each feature in favor of 2. Thus the classifications for the new, derived problem are linearly separable, which means that a Naive Bayes (or Inertial Naive Bayes) classifier can learn this new problem with 100% accuracy.

Now, once we have a classifier that has learned the new, derived problem, we can construct a classifier that correctly solves the original classification problem by mapping from categories 1 and 3 to Yes and from category 2 to No. By consecutively training two INB classifiers and using the outputs from the first classifier to augment the target classifications before they are presented to the second classifier, we transform the problem into one the second classifier can learn. Then we construct the correct classifier from the second INB classifier. For more difficult problems, we can repeat this iterative augmentation, using the classifications produced by all earlier classifiers to augment the target classifications for each successive classifier. This, together with a stopping condition that detects when further iterations will no longer produce improved performance, constitutes the Less Naive Bayes algorithm.


Less Naive Bayes


Language:Python 100.0%