hornc / ia-bulkmarc-importer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command line tool for importing bulk MARC records from archive.org data items into Open Library using the MARC import API endpoint: /api/import/ia

Data items on archive.org can contain one or more files of bibliographic collection data in MARC21 format. This tool takes an archive.org item identifier and a specific filename stored on that item using the -f parameter. It will then send a series of requests to openlibrary.org to import individual MARC records in sequence, keeping track of the current offset in the collection file.

Example Usage

List importable MARC21 data files on an item:

./bulk-import.py -i marc_loc_2016


Importing to https://openlibrary.org
ITEM: marc_loc_2016
Item marc_loc_2016 has the following MARC files:
BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8	241731867
BooksAll.2016.part02.utf8	205067420
BooksAll.2016.part03.utf8	197959817
BooksAll.2016.part04.utf8	182904720
BooksAll.2016.part05.utf8	174132979
BooksAll.2016.part43.utf8	 27314711

Import the first 10 records from one file:

./bulk-import.py -n 10 -f BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8 marc_loc_2016


Importing to https://openlibrary.org
ITEM: marc_loc_2016
FILENAME: BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:0:5: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773974M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL7794899W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 720, 'next_record_length': 720}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:720:720: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773975M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL2337971W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 1440, 'next_record_length': 472}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:1440:472: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773976M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL2986881W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 1912, 'next_record_length': 548}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:1912:548: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL7126496M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL6800791W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 2460, 'next_record_length': 483}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:2460:483: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773978M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL69146W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 2943, 'next_record_length': 708}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:2943:708: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773979M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL1287294W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 3651, 'next_record_length': 631}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:3651:631: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773980M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL7713813W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 4282, 'next_record_length': 712}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:4282:712: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773981M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL543756W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 4994, 'next_record_length': 614}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:4994:614: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773982M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL220879W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 5608, 'next_record_length': 785}
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part01.utf8:5608:785: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL6773983M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL1643985W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 6393, 'next_record_length': 886}

The MARC record can be viewed online by pre-pending https://openlibrary.org/show-records/ to the <item>/<file>:<offset>:<length> record identifier, e.g. for the 10th record above:


(Re-)import a single record from an offset within a MARC21 collection file:

./bulk-import.py -o9068136 -n1 -f BooksAll.2016.part43.utf8 marc_loc_2016


Importing to https://openlibrary.org
ITEM: marc_loc_2016
FILENAME: BooksAll.2016.part43.utf8
marc_loc_2016/BooksAll.2016.part43.utf8:9068136:5: 200 -- {'success': True, 'edition': {'key': '/books/OL2449M', 'status': 'matched'}, 'work': {'key': '/works/OL22305878W', 'status': 'matched'}, 'next_record_offset': 9068603, 'next_record_length': 542}

The JSON response shows the item has been matched and no further changes were made. The next_record_offset value, 9068603, is the offset of the next MARC record in the collection which is used to import the next record when -n is greater than one.

Full Usage and Help:

./bulk-import.py -h


usage: bulk-import.py [-h] [-i] [-b [BARCODE]] [-f FILE] [-n NUMBER]
                      [-o OFFSET] [-l] [-t] [-s]

Bulk MARC importer.

positional arguments:
  item                  Source item containing MARC records

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --info            List item's available MARC21 .mrc files with size in
  -b [BARCODE], --barcode [BARCODE]
                        Barcoded local_id available for import
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Bulk MARC file to import
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        Number of records to import
  -o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Offset in BYTES from which to start importing
  -l, --local           Import to a locally running Open Library dev instance
                        for testing (localhost:8080)
  -t, --testing         Import to testing.openlibrary.org Open Library
                        instance for testing
  -s, --staging         Import to staging.openlibrary.org Open Library staging
                        instance for testing


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%