hophamlam / portainer-fly

A guide to deploy a uptime-kuma docker instance on Fly.io

Home Page:https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Portainer client to watch other Agent

Create a 1Gb volume for portainer

fly volumes create hophamlam_portainer_vol --region sin --size 1

Paste the volume name to [mount] part in fly.toml. Example:

  destination = "/app/data"
  source = "hophamlam_portainer_vol"
flyctl deploy

Add custom domain

Change into your domain + Use CNAME to point your domain to auto-generated fly.clio app url

flyctl certs create status.mydomain.com

Do the same with www.status.mydomain.com


A guide to deploy a uptime-kuma docker instance on Fly.io
