hopemogale / LAB4

Compiler Design Lab 4

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                       WELCOME TO TURBO PASCAL 4.0

  This README file contains important information about Turbo
  Pascal 4.0. For the latest information about the compiler, the
  accompanying programs, and the manual, read this in its

  1. Files on the Disks
  2. How to Get Help (!)
  3. Corrections/Additions to the Manual
  4. Toshiba 3100 and AT&T Graphics Driver


  README   COM  - Program to display README file
  TURBO    EXE  - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
  TURBO    TPL  - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
  TURBO    HLP  - Turbo Pascal Help File
  TPC      EXE  - Command-line version of Turbo Pascal
  TINST    EXE  - Installation program for TURBO.EXE
  README        - This file!

  UPGRADE  EXE  - Program that converts 3.0 programs to 4.0
  UPGRADE  DTA  - Data file for UPGRADE.EXE
  TPMAP    EXE  - .TPM to .MAP conversion utility
  TPUMOVER EXE  - Unit mover utility
  TPCONFIG EXE  - .TP to .CFG conversion utility
  BINOBJ   EXE  - Utility to convert a binary file to an .OBJ
  MAKE     EXE  - Utility to aid in project management
  GREP     COM  - Utility to search text files for strings
  TOUCH    COM  - Utility to change the dates and times of files
  CRTDEMO  PAS  - Example program for the Crt unit
  GR3DEMO  PAS  - Example program for the Graph3 unit (turtle graphics)
  QSORT    PAS  - Standard QuickSort program example
  LISTER   PAS  - Program example that uses the Printer unit
  HILB     PAS  - Floating-point example program for Hilbert matrix
  FIB8087  PAS  - Recursive example that uses the 8087 math
                  coprocessor and avoids 8087 stack overflow
  PROCPTR  PAS  - Example program that shows how to use procedure
                  pointers and inline directives
  EMS      PAS  - Example program that shows how to use expanded
                  memory from your programs
  BCD      PAS  - Unit to convert Turbo Pascal 3.0 BCD reals to
                  Turbo Pascal 4.0 real numbers
  CPASDEMO PAS  - Example program that shows how to link .OBJ files
                  generated by Turbo C with Turbo Pascal programs
  CPASDEMO C    - C program for use with CPASDEMO.PAS
  CTOPAS   TC   - Turbo C configuration file to use with TC.EXE for
                  producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
                  Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
  TURBOC   CFG  - Turbo C configuration file to use with TCC.EXE for
                  producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
                  Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
  SYSTEM   DOC  - Interface section listing for the System unit
  DOS      DOC  - Interface section listing for the Dos unit
  CRT      DOC  - Interface section listing for the Crt unit
  PRINTER  DOC  - Interface section listing for the Printer unit
  GRAPH3   DOC  - Interface section listing for the Graph3 unit
  TURBO3   DOC  - Interface section listing for the Turbo3 unit
  Q&A           - Common Questions and Answers

  GRAPH    DOC  - Interface section listing for the Graph unit
  GRAPH    TPU  - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
  ATT      BGI  - Graphics device driver for AT&T 6300 graphics
  CGA      BGI  - Graphics device driver for CGA and MCGA graphics
  EGAVGA   BGI  - Graphics device driver for EGA and VGA
  HERC     BGI  - Graphics device driver for Hercules monographics
  PC3270   BGI  - Graphics device driver for 3270PC graphics
  GOTH     CHR  - Gothic font character set
  LITT     CHR  - Small font character set
  SANS     CHR  - Sans serif font character set
  TRIP     CHR  - Triplex font character set
  GRDEMO   PAS  - Example program for the Graph unit
  ARTY4    PAS  - Example program for the Graph unit
  GRLINK   PAS  - Example program for the Graph unit that shows how to
                  link font and driver files into an .EXE file
  DRIVERS  PAS  - Example unit for use with GRLINK.PAS
  FONTS    PAS  - Example unit source for use with GRLINK.PAS
  GRLINK   MAK  - Make file for use with GRLINK.PAS
  MCALC    PAS  - MicroCalc example program
  MC?????? PAS  - Supporting units for MicroCalc
  MCMVSMEM ASM  - Assembler routine used by MicroCalc
  MCMVSMEM OBJ  - Assembled version of MCMVSMEM.ASM
  UNPACK   COM  - Utility to unpack GREXAMPL.ARC

  GREXAMPL ARC  - Binary file that contains revised graphics
                  examples from the programs for Graph unit.

  FILELIST      - List of the example programs in GREXAMPL.ARC
                  and the corresponding procedure/function names
                  and manual page numbers.
  ARC      PAS  - Arc example program
  ARCCOORD PAS  - GetArcCoords example program
  ASPECT   PAS  - GetAspectRatio example program
  BAR      PAS  - Bar example program
  BAR3D    PAS  - Bar3D example program
  CIRCLE   PAS  - Circle example program
  CLOSEGR  PAS  - CloseGraph example program
  CLRDEV   PAS  - ClearDevice example program
  CLRVP    PAS  - ClearViewPort example program
  DETECT   PAS  - DetectGraph example program
  DRPOLY   PAS  - DrawPoly example program
  ELLIPSE  PAS  - Ellipse example program
  FILLPOLY PAS  - FillPoly example program
  FLOOD    PAS  - FloodFill example program
  GETBKCOL PAS  - GetBkColor example program
  GETCOL   PAS  - GetColor example program
  GETFILLS PAS  - GetFillSettings example program
  GETGRMD  PAS  - GetGraphMode example program
  GETLNS   PAS  - GetLineSettings example program
  GETMAXX  PAS  - GetMaxX example program
  GETMAXY  PAS  - GetMaxY example program
  GETPAL   PAS  - GetPalette example program
  GETPIX   PAS  - GetPixel example program
  GETTXTS  PAS  - GetTxtSettings example program
  GETVS    PAS  - GetViewSettings example program
  GETX     PAS  - GetX example program
  GETY     PAS  - GetY example program
  GRERRMSG PAS  - GraphErrorMsg example program
  GRRES    PAS  - GraphResult example program
  IMSIZE   PAS  - ImageSize example program
  INITGR   PAS  - InitGraph example program
  LINE     PAS  - Line example program
  LINEREL  PAS  - LineRel example program
  LINETO   PAS  - LineTo example program
  MOVEREL  PAS  - MoveRel example program
  MOVETO   PAS  - MoveTo example programs
  OUTTXT   PAS  - OutText example program
  OUTTXTXY PAS  - OutTextXY example program
  PIESLICE PAS  - PieSlice example program
  PUTIM    PAS  - PutImage example program
  PUTPIX   PAS  - PutPixel example program
  RECT     PAS  - Rectangle example program
  RESCRT   PAS  - RestoreCrtMode example program
  SETACTPG PAS  - SetActivePage example program
  SETALLP  PAS  - SetAllPalette example program
  SETBKCOL PAS  - SetBkColor example program
  SETCOL   PAS  - SetColor example program
  SETFLPAT PAS  - SetFillPattern example program
  SETGRMOD PAS  - SetGraphMode example program
  SETLNSTY PAS  - SetLineStyle example program
  SETPAL   PAS  - SetPalette example program
  SETTXTJS PAS  - SetTextJustify example program
  SETTXTST PAS  - SetTextStyle example program
  SETVISPG PAS  - SetVisualPage example program
  SETVP    PAS  - SetViewPort example program
  TXTHT    PAS  - TextHeight example program

  If you need help with Turbo Pascal, please read this file and the
  Reference Manual.

  If you still have a question and need technical assistance, help is
  available from the following sources:

  1. Type GO BPROGA on the CompuServe bulletin board system for instant
  access to the Borland forums with their libraries of technical
  information and answers to common questions. In addition, all
  example programs from the manual are available on CompuServe in
  machine-readable form.

  If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed special
  offer, and write for full details on how to receive a free IntroPak
  containing a $15 credit toward your first month's online charges.

  2. Check with your local software dealer or users' group.

  3. Write to:  Borland International
                Turbo Pascal Technical Support
                4585 Scotts Valley Drive
                Scotts Valley, CA 95066

  Please remember to include your serial number or we will be unable
  to process your letter.

  4. If you have an urgent problem, you can call the Borland
  Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300.

  Please have the following information ready before calling:

    A.  Product name and serial number from your original distribution
        disk. Please have your serial number ready or we will be
        unable to process your call.

    B.  Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers of any
        additional hardware.

    C.  Operating system and version number (the version number can be
        determined by typing VER at the DOS prompt).

    D.  Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

    E.  Contents of your CONFIG.SYS file.


Graphics examples
  For your convenience, we have included a packed file, GREXAMPL.ARC,
  that contains every example graphics program from the reference
  section of the Owner's Handbook. In order to view or compile these
  examples, you must first unpack them by using UNPACK.COM. The
  simplest way to unpack the archived examples is to type the
  following at the DOS prompt:


  This will extract all the files from GREXAMPL.ARC and place them
  into the current directory. For a list of other options, type UNPACK
  at the DOS prompt and then press <Enter>.

P-63  Interface Section
  If the procedure (or function) is external, the keyword external
  may only appear in the implementation section.

P-493 TextColor Procedure: Add the following to the bottom of the
  list of Crt color constants:

      { Add-in for blinking }
      Blink         = 128;

P-586  Automatic Compaq Detection Override
  The integrated environment will detect whether you are using a
  Compaq computer and automatically use its black-and-white color
  set. This gives better contrast on the composite monitors
  built-in to the vast majority of Compaq computers. If you are
  using a Compaq computer and a true color monitor, you can force
  the integrated environment to use its color tables by running
  TINST, typing "D" to install the Display mode, and selecting

  The Toshiba 3100 series supports an AT&T-compatible, 640x400 mode.
  The Toshiba does not use the same INT 10 mode setting as the AT&T
  6300, however. To use the ATT.BGI driver on the Toshiba 3100 series,
  make a 1-byte patch to the ATT.BGI file at location 655. Change
  the value from 40 to 74 and save the file to disk.

  Here is a list of the exact keystrokes required to make the patch,
  using the DEBUG.COM program that comes with the MS-DOS operating

    debug att.bgi<Enter>

  This makes it possible for the ATT.BGI driver to run on the Toshiba,
  but it will no longer work on an AT&T 6300 or true compatible (for
  example, the Compaq III). To use the driver with an AT&T 6300 or
  true compatible, reverse the preceding process and restore location 655
  to its original value (40). You can also copy ATT.BGI from your
  original Turbo Pascal distribution disks.

  Remember that, by default, the Graph unit will select the CGA driver
  for the AT&T 6300 and compatible graphics adapters (Compaq III,
  Toshiba 3100 series, etc.). To use the AT&T driver, you must override
  autodetection (see P-310).


Compiler Design Lab 4


Language:Pascal 96.2%Language:Assembly 2.8%Language:C 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.4%Language:Batchfile 0.0%