hoonoh / remark-extended-table

remark plugin to support table syntax allowing colspan / rowspan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lerna CI

remark plugin to support table syntax allowing colspan / rowspan



This package overrides remarkGfm behaviors. If you encounter any problems, disable this first and see what happens.

Extended Table Syntax

With extended table syntax, you can write table cell with colspan / rowspan using the following special cells.

  • cell containing only > (to be merged with the right cell)
  • cell containing only ^ (to be merged with the upper cell)
| header1          | header2          |
| ---------------- | ---------------- |
| cell (rowspan=2) | cell             |
| ^                | cell             |
| >                | cell (colspan=2) |
| escape >         | \>               |
| escape ^         | \^               |

If set colspanWithEmptyCell option, you can use empty cell containing no spaces which merges with the left cell. For the purpose of avoiding unintentional merges, the followings are not merged.

  • Cell containing whitespaces
  • Cell without ending divider (|)
| header1     | header2 |
| ----------- | ------- |
| cell (rowspan=2)     ||
| normal cell |         |
| normal cell |


$ npm install remark-extended-table


import { remarkExtendedTable, extendedTableHandlers } from 'remark-extended-table';

import { unified } from 'unified';
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse';
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype';
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';

const md = `
| a | b |
| 1 | 2 |
| ^ | 3 |

const process = (md: string) =>
    .use(remarkRehype, null, { handlers: Object.assign({}, extendedTableHandlers) })


This repository contains the following packages.


unified().use(remarkExtendedTable[, options])

Configures remark to parse extended table syntax. This MUST be applied after remarkGfm.


extendedTableFromMarkdownOptions.colspanWithEmpty (boolean?, default: false)

Whether to merge cell with the right empty cell which contains no spaces (||).


mdast-util-to-hast handlers, which you can set to options.handlers of remarkRehype.


remark plugin to support table syntax allowing colspan / rowspan

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.5%Language:JavaScript 1.5%