hoodoer / Top-Port-Slicer

Python script to give you subsets of the nmap "top-ports". For example, I want the 10th to 100th most common TCP ports. Spits out a comma separated list you can copy into -p arg for nmap or masscan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Python script to give you subsets of the nmap "top-ports". For example, I want the 10th to 100th most common TCP ports. Why would you want to skip the first 10 ports in this example? Because you already scanned them :)

Useful on external network assessments when you have a lot of scanning to do.

It spits out a comma separated list you can copy into -p arg for nmap or masscan

Can also do UDP, but not UDP and TCP at the same time. Order based on the /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services file, just like nmap's baked in top-ports functionality

root@kaliboxen:/root/dev/portSlicer# ./topPortSlicer.py -range 10-20 -tcp
Top 10 to 20 TCP services:

The optional '-setEnvVar' parameter takes an environmental variable name. When this option is used, a new bash instance is created with the ports set to the provided environmental variable name. You can then use: nmap -p $ENVVARIABLENAME

This allows you to avoid the copy pasta. Note that this is a new bash instance, so after you run nmap, you probably want to call exit to get back to your original bash context.

For example:
root@kaliboxen:/root/dev/Top-Port-Slicer# ./topPortSlicer.py -range 5-10 -udp -setEnvVar PORTS2SCAN
Top 5 to 10 UDP services:
Ports exported to environmental variable: PORTS2SCAN
Use with nmap, etc, like: nmap -p $PORTS2SCAN

root@kaliboxen:/root/dev/Top-Port-Slicer# nmap -sUV -p $PORTS2SCAN localhost
Starting Nmap 7.70SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-03-08 14:44 EST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000031s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned): ::1

53/udp closed domain
67/udp closed dhcps
135/udp closed msrpc
138/udp closed netbios-dgm
445/udp closed microsoft-ds
1434/udp closed ms-sql-m

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.64 seconds
root@kaliboxen:/root/dev/Top-Port-Slicer# exit

Updated for python3


Python script to give you subsets of the nmap "top-ports". For example, I want the 10th to 100th most common TCP ports. Spits out a comma separated list you can copy into -p arg for nmap or masscan

License:The Unlicense


Language:Python 100.0%