honne23 / simple_noise_handshake

A simplified rust project demonstrating the Noise protocol handshake on a public peer-to-peer node.

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Simple noise handshake

This repository supplies a simplified implementation of the Noise handshake such that it only supports the XX handshake compatible with libp2p nodes (such as those on the IPFS network).

Connections are generic objects that can manage an underlying byte stream over the network. The Multistream connection has been implemented for the purposes of this repository.

HandShakes represent the logic for authentication handshakes that can take place over the network to secure a connection. This repository only allows you to read and write from a SecureChannel.


See tests/ for examples on the usage of the library.


Library defines the following traits to implement Connections and HandShakes:

pub trait Connection {

    /// Connect to a remote peer using their [std::net::SocketAddr]
    fn connect(address: SocketAddr) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>>
        Self: Sized;

    /// Upgrade the connection to a [SecureChannel] for communication
    fn upgrade<'a, H: HandShake<'a, Self> + 'a>(
        connection: Self,
        peer_id: Keypair,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn SecureChannel + 'a>, Box<dyn Error>>
        Self: Sized + 'a;
pub trait HandShake<'a, C: Connection> {
    /// Channel lifetime is tied to the lifetime of the Connection
    type Channel<'channel>: SecureChannel;

    /// Upgrade a connection into a secure channel, this method takes ownershup of the connection
    /// so the raw connection can never be used to communicate.
    /// [`Reader`] is a function that takes a connection and reads content from the underlying stream.
    /// [`Writer`] is a function that takes a connection and and some encrypted content and write it to the underlying stream.
    fn upgrade<Reader, Writer>(
        connection: C,
        peer_id: Keypair,
        reader: Reader,
        writer: Writer,
    ) -> Result<Self::Channel<'a>, Box<dyn Error>>
        C: Connection,
        Reader: Fn(&mut C) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>> + 'a,
        Writer: Fn(&mut C, &[u8]) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> + 'a;

pub trait SecureChannel {
    /// A function that allows a secure channel to securely write to the underlying stream.
    fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>;

    /// A function that allows a secure channel to read securely from the underlying stream.
    fn read(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>;


Peer list

Known working peers (tested):

All Tests:

cargo test

All tests with debug output

cargo test -- -nocapture

Only integration test and override default remote peer

export PEER_ADDR=""
cargo test --package noise_handshake --test noise_handshake_integration -- noise::test_handshake --exact --nocapture

Verify output

The integration test should print out YAMUX RESP: "\u{13}/multistream/1.0.0\n\u{f}/ipfs/id/1.0.0\n" upon successful connection to a peer to indicate that the authentication handshake and multiplexer has been negotiated.

Where to go from here?

  • The CipherState implemention is barebones and likely lacks quite a few security checks (such as bounds on the Nonces)
  • At the moment there is no implementation for async Connections, these could straightforwardly be support by the TokioTcpStream as opposed to the std::net::TcpStream in use now.
  • Multiplexing is not implemented correctly outside of the integration test, support for Yamux and more general multiplexing should be developed
  • There are alot of heap allocations throughout, the hot-paths can likely be optimised to work more directly with slice references, it would be best to review this after implementing async Connections to ensure we don't run into borrower semantics indirectly.

Peering sources

  1. https://docs.ipfs.tech/how-to/peering-with-content-providers/#content-provider-list
  2. https://github.com/web3-storage/web3.storage/blob/main/PEERS


  1. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR7GSQM93Cx5eAg6a6yRzNde1FQv7uL6X1o4k7zrJa3LX/ipfs.draft3.pdf
  2. https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/connections/README.md
  3. https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/noise/README.md
  4. https://noiseprotocol.org/noise.html
  5. https://github.com/mcginty/snow
  6. https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/tree/master/transports/noise
  7. https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/tree/master/p2p/security/noise


A simplified rust project demonstrating the Noise protocol handshake on a public peer-to-peer node.


Language:Rust 100.0%