hongkongkiwi / winston-papertrail

Papertrail transport for Winston

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Papertrail transport for winston.


Installing npm (node package manager)

  $ curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Installing winston-papertrail

  $ npm install winston
  $ npm install winston-papertrail

There are a few required options for logging to Papertrail:

  • host: FQDN or IP Address of the Papertrail Service Endpoint
  • port: The TLS Endpoint TCP Port


  var winston = require('winston');

  // Requiring `winston-papertrail` will expose
  // `winston.transports.Papertrail`

  var logger = new winston.Logger({
  	transports: [
  		new winston.transports.Papertrail({
  			host: 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
  			port: 12345

  logger.info('this is my message');

For more some advanced logging, you can take advantage of custom formatting for Papertrail:

  var winston = require('winston');

  // Requiring `winston-papertrail` will expose
  // `winston.transports.Papertrail`

  var logger = new winston.Logger({
  	transports: [
  		new winston.transports.Papertrail({
  			host: 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
  			port: 12345,
  			logFormat: function(level, message) {
  			    return '<<<' + level + '>>> ' + message;

  logger.info('this is my message');

The Papertrail transport is also capable of emitting events for error and connect so you can log to other transports:

var winston = require('winston'),
	Papertrail = require('winston-papertrail').Papertrail;

var logger,
	consoleLogger = new winston.transports.Console({
		level: 'debug',
		timestamp: function() {
			return new Date().toString();
		colorize: true
	ptTransport = new Papertrail({
		host: 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
		port: 12345,
		hostname: 'web-01',
		logFormat: function(level, message) {
			return '[' + level + '] ' + message;

ptTransport.on('error', function(err) {
	logger && logger.error(err);

ptTransport.on('connect', function(message) {
	logger && logger.info(message);

var logger = new winston.Logger({
	levels: {
		debug: 0,
		info: 1,
		warn: 2,
		error: 3
	transports: [

logger.info('this is my message ' + new Date().getTime());


The winston-papertrail transport supports colorization with winston. Currently, the ANSI codes used for escape sequences are part of the search index, so please be advised when using colorization.

var winston = require('winston'),
    Papertrail = require('winston-papertrail').Papertrail;

var logger = new winston.Logger({
    transports: [
        new Papertrail({
            host: 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
            port: 12345, // your port here
            colorize: true

logger.info('Hello from colorized winston', logger);

Closing the transport

As of v0.1.3 winston-papertrail transport supports closing the transport (and the underlying TLS connection) via the Winston.Transport close method. Thus, you can enable scenarios where your transport automatically closes when you close the winston logger.

var winston = require('winston'),
    Papertrail = require('winston-papertrail').Papertrail;

pt = new Papertrail({
    host: 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
    port: 12345 // your port here

var logger = new winston.Logger({
    transports: [ pt ]

pt.on('connect', function () {
    logger.info('logging before I close');
    logger.close(); // this closes the underlying TLS connection in the Papertrailt transport

Currently, the Papertrail transport only supports TLS logging.

Author: Ken Perkins


Papertrail transport for Winston

License:MIT License