hongjianjiang / py_paraverifier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


coding recode

2021/4/21 生成ml的json文件 python2 gen.py -m mutualEx.m
2021/4/22 编写paraverifier-type类型、图结构定义
2021/4/23 RN:gym环境定义、引入z3py作为reward判定器
2021/4/25 Type modification & implement of weakest precondition
2021/4/26 实现smt求解器
2021/4/27 实现parse模块,将协议转化到type
2021/5/11 gen修改支持多重变量定义
2021/5/12 translation翻译german协议
2021/5/15 全局文件修改(types加入init,对应修改paraverifier、z3、invhold等文件)
2021/5/18 修改formulaenv文件,支持invhold1-3的判定,未完成init和guard判定
2021/5/24 完成reward判定,接下去设计gym环境

Reward Setting Strategy

Setting a global invariant set to store the founded invariant.
When the invariant and the guarded command meets the invhold1/invhold3, the reward is postive.
When the literal of original invariant occures on the invariant, the reward is also positive.
When the initial condition satisfies the invariant, the reward is position, otherwise is negative.
When the guard of guarded commands can straightly imply the invariant, the reward is positive.

Directory Structure:

  • Protocol stores the ocaml files of parameterized protocol
  • Utils is used for basic function
    • translation: generator of the json file python translation -m 协议名
    • invHold: the judger of the invHold rules and the weakest precondition
    • type:datatype for Paraverifier types
    • smt2: the smt2 checker
  • Graph is used for create the structure of formula's graph
  • RN is for files used in reinforce learning



Language:Python 95.5%Language:Objective-C 2.8%Language:MATLAB 1.7%