holsee / HotelRoomsKata

Coding Kata to find the hotel room number (from ASCII input)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Given an input of a "hotel" in ASCII art with a single room marked, output the room number according to certain rules.

Here's an example of an ASCII hotel:

#####          ##
#####  ######  ##
#####  ######  ##
#####  ######  ##

Here are a few more things about the ASCII hotels:

  • Each "building" is represented by a rectangle of # characters, where each # represents a "room".

  • The above hotel consists of three buildings. Each building is separated by two columns of spaces, and the lowest "floor" will always be on the last line.

  • Each building will always have anywhere from 1-9 "floors" (rows) and 1-9 "rooms" on each floor. There will also always be 1-9 buildings.

  • Rooms are numbered as follows: [building #][floor #][room on floor #]. For example, let's mark a few rooms in the above drawing:

      #####          ##
      #####  ####$#  ##
      ##%##  ######  ##
      #####  ######  #@

    The room marked with the % is room 123 (building 1, floor 2, 3rd room on floor). Similarly, the room marked with the $ is room 235, and the @ is room 312.

  • Buildings, floors, and "nth room on floor"s are always 1-indexed.

The input will consist of an ASCII hotel with a single room replaced with an asterisk (*). This is the room for which you must output the room number. The input must be taken as a single string, but you may use commas as line separators instead of newlines (in case your language of choice cannot take multiline input or if it's shorter to take single-line input). You may optionally require a trailing comma/newline. You may also pad lines with trailing spaces to make the input a complete rectangle.

Test cases (contained within a single code block to conserve vertical space):


Output: 111

#  #  *  #  #

Output: 311


Output: 135

         #####           ######
         #####           ######
#  #  #  #####  #  #  #  ######  *

Output: 911

#  #
#  #  ##
#  #  ##  ###
#  #  ##  ###  #####
#  #  ##  ###  ##*##  ########
#  #  ##  ###  #####  ########

Output: 523

#########  #  #

Output: 281

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #########

Output: 999


Coding Kata to find the hotel room number (from ASCII input)