BI-GIT Course v2014
DB technologie pro Big Data
Lecture 5
Lecture 5 was about writing a MapReduce task to be performed on Hadoop cluster using Cassandra.
Lecture 7
Lecture 7 was about using CQL for querying data from the Cassandra storage. There are cql
files inserting data into the database as well as queries.
Lecture 9
Similar to lecture 7 it was about querying data using GUI in the Apache Solr. Insertion scripts and Solr configs are ready, everything else is up to you.
Semestral Work
This folder contains just one file - the help writter by myself for me. We had to show the semestral work during a single lecture, to simplify that I wrote this file.
The basic idea
Download a subset of the Czech republic from Open Street Map. Store the data in the database and perform queries to show relationhips between objects.
For example:
- Find the closest camera
- Find the top 5 closest bus stops
It contains everything from downloading data, inserting those to the database and querying results. There are some special datatypes and importers used to download, convert and store data. For this reast this work was so hard to be done
This folder contains questions from and screenshots of the test we had to pass.