hollyschinsky / PouchDB-Sample

A sample app showing how to use PouchDB to easily sync with a remote repository.

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PhoneGap PouchDB Sample


PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser.

PouchDB was created to help web developers build applications that work as well offline as they do online. It enables applications to store data locally while offline and then synchronize it with CouchDB compatible servers when the app is back online, allowing for a nice offline experience. Related Slides

This project is a sample Todo app using vanillaJS/Onsen UI with Cordova and PouchDB to show how to easily store and sync data with a remote server. Credit: Onsen UI Todo sample code


Quick Start Setup

  1. Clone or download this repo

  2. Create a new PhoneGap or Cordova Project using the PhoneGap CLI or the PhoneGap Desktop App

    $ phonegap create PouchDBApp

  3. Copy in the config.xml file and www folder into the project created above

  4. Serve the app from PhoneGap Desktop or the PhoneGap CLI from the root of your project

      $ phonegap serve  

Note: This project uses the following plugins: - cordova-plugin-sqlite-2 - cordova-plugin-network-information - cordova-plugin-statusbar

General Setup

Use this setup to add PouchDB support and data sync to your existing apps...

  1. Create a PhoneGap project using the PhoneGap Desktop app or the PhoneGap CLI

     $ phonegap create MyPouchDBApp
  2. Open the new project from the root in your favorite editor

  3. Download a version of pouchdb.js >= 6.0.0 from here and include it in your index.html. Be sure to include it after cordova.js to ensure you get the deviceready event.

     <script src="/path/to/pouchdb.js"></script>
  4. Download the pouchdb-adapter-cordova-sqlite adapter bundle from here and include it in your project under www/lib/pouchdb

    Alternatively, use npm to install it...

    $ npm install pouchdb-adapter-cordova-sqlite

    This is a PouchDB adapter using either Cordova-sqlite-storage, cordova-plugin-sqlite-2 or cordova-plugin-websql as its data store, depending on the device it's running from.

    As long as there is a global cordova.sqlitePlugin (or openDatabase) available, this adapter should work. The name of the adapter for database init is cordova-sqlite.

  5. Reference the PouchDB SQlite adapter in the index.html

    <script src="lib/pouchdb/pouchdb.cordova-sqlite.js"></script>

  6. Add at least one of the SQlite plugins to your project to support the above:

  1. Create a new local database after the deviceready event is fired

     document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
         // Setup PouchDB only on device ready
         // If mobile platform, you may want to use SQlite 
         if (ons.platform.isIOS() || ons.platform.isAndroid())
             myApp.db = new PouchDB('tasks.db', {adapter: 'cordova-sqlite'});
         else myApp.db = new PouchDB('tasks.db');                          
  2. Set up a remote database in the deviceready event handler

    PouchDB Server

    pouchdb-server is a simple Node.js server that presents a simple REST API, which mimics that of CouchDB, on top of PouchDB

     $ npm install -g pouchdb-server
     $ pouchdb-server -p 5984

Output hschinsk-osx:OfflineFirst hschinsk$ pouchdb-server -p 5984 [info] pouchdb-server has started on [info] navigate to for the Fauxton UI. [info] GET / 200 -

    // Create the remote database to sync to 
    myApp.remoteDB = new PouchDB("http://localhost:5984/tasks");
  1. Start bidirectional replication by calling sync

         myApp.db.sync(myApp.remoteDB, {
     		live: true,
     		retry: true
     	}).on('change', function (change) {
     		console.log("A db change occurred " + JSON.stringify(change));				
     	}).on('paused', function () {
     		console.log("Replication paused");				
     	}).on('active', function (info) {
     		console.log("Replication resumed " + info);				
     	}).on('error', function (err) {
     		console.log("Sync Error occurred " + err);				
  2. Add API calls (see the www/js/services.js file for example calls)

  3. Serve the app from PhoneGap Desktop or the PhoneGap CLI from the root of your project

     $ phonegap serve
  4. Open your browser to the IP address returned from serve and start testing

  5. Alternatively, add a mobile platform and test on your device or simulator



A sample app showing how to use PouchDB to easily sync with a remote repository.


Language:JavaScript 61.9%Language:CSS 37.9%Language:HTML 0.2%