holgersindbaek / jsgamewiki

A collection of good links for gaming with javascript

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Welcome to the jsGameWiki!

This is the brain for game programming with html5/canvas/javascript.

I'm trying to structure helpful sources like eBooks, videos, blogs, articles, presentations...


Part I - Content directly relevant to game programming with html5/canvas/javascript
i.e. tutorials, blog posts, engines, etc.

Part II - Content related to web-development which can be useful in a game programming context
i.e. html5/canvas articles, javascript performance, etc.

Other Sources

A starting point for good javascript resources is bebraw's sensational jswiki.
(Actually I see jsGameWiki as an addition to jsWiki for game programming topics)

A second project I'm running is webdevresources, a collection of links on web-development in general.


In case you want to contribute, be my guest! Here is a place for people who want to learn something about game programming and I'm very happy if you have some interesting sources to share.

Part I - Game Sources

Part II - Game Related

Javascript - Canvas


because actionscript is very similar to javascript. you can definitely take away some concepts.

how to start

Blogs about gaming

Blogs about experiments / demos

Forums/News for General Game Development (no javascript)

Video / Audio

Presentations / Slides

  • Scoreoid - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, in game analytics, ...
  • Tapjs - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, ...
  • flexpi - services for gaming - stats, ingame payment, social media
  • Easywebsockets - a WebSocket client to broadcast messages to webpages
  • Itch.io - Game distribution platform for indie-developers.
  • Clay.io - service for leaderboards, achievements, data storage, analytics, payment processing, ...

Game Jams and competitions

Games with sourcecode

Here are some rememberable projects - but mostly with compressed code

HTML5 Games









Compatibility /Feature Detection


Library Lists

  • microJs - list of micro frameworks
  • jsdb.io - list of the best javascript libraries


  • modernizr - testing on active html5 + css features in browsers
  • stats.js - nice little tool to show fps stats
  • sprite.js - tool for sprite animation + nice demos
  • augment.js - enrich browsers with modern javascript methods (ECMA 1.8.5)
  • weinre - Remotedebugging Console: debug your iPhone, iPad, Wii etc. remotely from your PC
  • Socket.IO - supports websockets and aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device
  • nowjs - makes realtime web apps really easy
  • Closure compiler - Compiles javascript to javascript
  • Pxxl.js - HTML5 Canvas utility to render texts in retro style and more.
  • Game Modules Wiki - A list of game-related modules and examples for writing HTML5 games with browserify

Lists of free eBooks

Commercial books on HTML5 Game Development

General Game Development

Books explaining a specific JS game engine

Other useful books on Game Development


A collection of good links for gaming with javascript