holgersindbaek / dwolla-v2-ruby

Official Ruby Wrapper for Dwolla's API v2

Home Page:https://docsv2.dwolla.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Dwolla V2 Ruby client. For the V1 Ruby client see Dwolla/dwolla-ruby.

API Documentation


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dwolla_v2', '~> 1.2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dwolla_v2


Basic usage

Create a client using your application's consumer key and secret found on the applications page (UAT, Production).

# config/initializers/dwolla.rb
$dwolla = DwollaV2::Client.new(key: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_KEY"], secret: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_SECRET"])

Using the sandbox environment (optional)

# config/initializers/dwolla.rb
$dwolla = DwollaV2::Client.new(key: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_KEY"], secret: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_SECRET"]) do |config|
  config.environment = :sandbox

environment= defaults to :production and accepts either a String or a Symbol.

Configure an on_grant callback (optional)

An on_grant callback is useful for storing new tokens when they are granted. For example, you may have a YourTokenData ActiveRecord model that you use to store your tokens. The on_grant callback is called with the DwollaV2::Token that was just granted by the server. You can pass this to the create! method of an ActiveRecord model to create a record using the token's data.

# config/initializers/dwolla.rb
$dwolla = DwollaV2::Client.new(key: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_KEY"], secret: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_SECRET"]) do |config|
  config.on_grant {|t| YourTokenData.create!(t) }

It is highly recommended that you encrypt any token data you store using attr_encrypted or vault-rails (if you use Vault). These are both configured in your ActiveRecord models.

Configure Faraday (optional)

DwollaV2 uses Faraday to make HTTP requests. You can configure your own Faraday middleware and adapter when configuring your client. Remember to always include an adapter last, even if you want to use the default adapter.

# config/initializers/dwolla.rb
$dwolla = DwollaV2::Client.new(key: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_KEY"], secret: ENV["DWOLLA_APP_SECRET"]) do |config|
  config.faraday do |faraday|
    faraday.response :logger
    faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter


Tokens can be used to make requests to the Dwolla V2 API. There are two types of tokens:

Application tokens

Application tokens are used to access the API on behalf of a consumer application. API resources that belong to an application include: webhook-subscriptions, events, and webhooks. Application tokens can be created using the client_credentials OAuth grant type:

Note: If an application has the ManageCustomers scope enabled, it can also be used to access the API for White Label Customer related endpoints. Keep in mind, the application must belong to same Dwolla account that will be used when creating and managing White Label Customers in the API.

application_token = $dwolla.auths.client
# => #<DwollaV2::Token client=#<DwollaV2::Client key="..." secret="..." environment=:sandbox> access_token="..." expires_in=3600 scope="...">

Application tokens do not include a refresh_token. When an application token expires, generate a new one using $dwolla.auths.client.

Account tokens

Account tokens are used to access the API on behalf of a Dwolla account. API resources that belong to an account include customers, funding-sources, documents, mass-payments, mass-payment-items, transfers, and on-demand-authorizations.

There are two ways to get an account token. One is by generating a token at https://uat.dwolla.com/applications (sandbox) or https://www.dwolla.com/applications (production).

You can instantiate a generated token by doing the following:

account_token = $dwolla.tokens.new access_token: "...", refresh_token: "..."
# => #<DwollaV2::Token client=#<DwollaV2::Client key="..." secret="..." environment=:sandbox> access_token="..." refresh_token="...">

The other way to get an account token is using the authorization_code OAuth grant type. This flow works by redirecting a user to dwolla.com in order to get authorization and sending them back to your website with an authorization code which can be exchanged for a token. For example:

class YourAuthController < ApplicationController
  # redirect the user to dwolla.com for authorization
  def authorize
    redirect_to auth.url

  # https://yoursite.com/callback?code=...&state=...
  def callback
    # exchange the code for a token
    token = auth.callback(params)
    # => #<DwollaV2::Token client=#<DwollaV2::Client key="..." secret="..." environment=:sandbox> access_token="..." refresh_token="..." expires_in=3600 scope="ManageCustomers|Funding" account_id="...">
    session[:account_id] = token.account_id


  def auth
    $dwolla.auths.new redirect_uri: "https://yoursite.com/callback",
                      scope: "ManageCustomers|Funding",
                      state: session[:state] ||= SecureRandom.hex(8), # optional
                      verified_account: true, # optional
                      dwolla_landing: "register" # optional

Refreshing tokens

Tokens with refresh_tokens can be refreshed using $dwolla.auths.refresh, which takes a DwollaV2::Token as its first argument and returns a new token.

refreshed_token = $dwolla.auths.refresh(expired_token)
# => #<DwollaV2::Token client=#<DwollaV2::Client key="..." secret="..." environment=:sandbox> access_token="..." refresh_token="..." expires_in=3600 scope="ManageCustomers|Funding" account_id="...">

Initializing pre-existing tokens:

DwollaV2::Tokens can be initialized with the following attributes:

$dwolla.tokens.new access_token: "...",
                   refresh_token: "...",
                   expires_in: 123,
                   scope: "...",
                   account_id: "..."
#<DwollaV2::Token client=#<DwollaV2::Client key="..." secret="..." environment=:sandbox> access_token="..." refresh_token="..." expires_in=123 scope="..." account_id="...">
token_data = YourTokenData.first


DwollaV2::Tokens can make requests using the #get, #post, #put, and #delete methods.

# GET api.dwolla.com/resource?foo=bar
token.get "resource", foo: "bar"

# POST api.dwolla.com/resource {"foo":"bar"}
token.post "resource", foo: "bar"

# POST api.dwolla.com/resource multipart/form-data foo=...
token.post "resource", foo: Faraday::UploadIO.new("/path/to/bar.png", "image/png")

# PUT api.dwolla.com/resource {"foo":"bar"}
token.put "resource", foo: "bar"

# DELETE api.dwolla.com/resource
token.delete "resource"

Requests can also be made in parallel:

foo, bar = nil
token.in_parallel do
  foo = token.get "/foo"
  bar = token.get "/bar"
puts foo # only ready after `in_parallel` block has executed
puts bar # only ready after `in_parallel` block has executed

Setting headers

To set additional headers on a request you can pass a Hash of headers as the 3rd argument.

For example:

token.post "customers", { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", email: "jd@doe.com" },
                        { 'Idempotency-Key': 'a52fcf63-0730-41c3-96e8-7147b5d1fb01' }


Requests return a DwollaV2::Response.

res = token.get "/"
# => #<DwollaV2::Response status=200 headers={"server"=>"cloudflare-nginx", "date"=>"Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:30:23 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"150", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=d9dcd0f586c166d36cbd45b992bdaa11b1459179023; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:30:23 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly", "x-request-id"=>"69a4e612-5dae-4c52-a6a0-2f921e34a88a", "cf-ray"=>"28ac1f81875941e3-MSP"} {"_links"=>{"events"=>{"href"=>"https://api-uat.dwolla.com/events"}, "webhook-subscriptions"=>{"href"=>"https://api-uat.dwolla.com/webhook-subscriptions"}}}>

# => 200

# => {"server"=>"cloudflare-nginx", "date"=>"Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:30:23 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"150", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=d9dcd0f586c166d36cbd45b992bdaa11b1459179023; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:30:23 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly", "x-request-id"=>"69a4e612-5dae-4c52-a6a0-2f921e34a88a", "cf-ray"=>"28ac1f81875941e3-MSP"}

# => "https://api-uat.dwolla.com/events"


If the server returns an error, a DwollaV2::Error (or one of its subclasses) will be raised. DwollaV2::Errors are similar to DwollaV2::Responses.

  token.get "/not-found"
rescue DwollaV2::NotFoundError => e
  # => #<DwollaV2::NotFoundError status=404 headers={"server"=>"cloudflare-nginx", "date"=>"Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:35:32 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile=\"http://nocarrier.co.uk/profiles/vnd.error/\"; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"69", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=da1478bfdf3e56275cd8a6a741866ccce1459179332; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:35:32 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly", "access-control-allow-origin"=>"*", "x-request-id"=>"667fca74-b53d-43db-bddd-50426a011881", "cf-ray"=>"28ac270abca64207-MSP"} {"code"=>"NotFound", "message"=>"The requested resource was not found."}>

  # => 404

  # => {"server"=>"cloudflare-nginx", "date"=>"Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:35:32 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile=\"http://nocarrier.co.uk/profiles/vnd.error/\"; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"69", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=da1478bfdf3e56275cd8a6a741866ccce1459179332; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:35:32 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly", "access-control-allow-origin"=>"*", "x-request-id"=>"667fca74-b53d-43db-bddd-50426a011881", "cf-ray"=>"28ac270abca64207-MSP"}

  # => "NotFound"
rescue DwollaV2::Error => e
  # ...

DwollaV2::Error subclasses:

See https://docsv2.dwolla.com/#errors for more info.

  • DwollaV2::AccessDeniedError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidCredentialsError
  • DwollaV2::NotFoundError
  • DwollaV2::BadRequestError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidGrantError
  • DwollaV2::RequestTimeoutError
  • DwollaV2::ExpiredAccessTokenError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidRequestError
  • DwollaV2::ServerError
  • DwollaV2::ForbiddenError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidResourceStateError
  • DwollaV2::TemporarilyUnavailableError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidAccessTokenError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidScopeError
  • DwollaV2::UnauthorizedClientError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidAccountStatusError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidScopesError
  • DwollaV2::UnsupportedGrantTypeError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidApplicationStatusError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidVersionError
  • DwollaV2::UnsupportedResponseTypeError
  • DwollaV2::InvalidClientError
  • DwollaV2::MethodNotAllowedError
  • DwollaV2::ValidationError
  • DwollaV2::TooManyRequestsError
  • DwollaV2::ConflictError

Sample code

The following gist contains some sample bootstrapping code:


If you have any questions regarding your specific implementation we'll do our best to help at https://discuss.dwolla.com/.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-ruby.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


  • 1.2.0 - Refer to Client :id as :key in docs/public APIs for consistency.
  • 1.1.2 - Add support for verified_account and dwolla_landing auth flags.
  • 1.1.1 - Add TooManyRequestsError and ConflictError classes.
  • 1.1.0 - Support setting headers on a per-request basis.
  • 1.0.1 - Set user agent header.
  • 1.0.0 - Refactor Error class to be more like response, add ability to access keys using methods.
  • 0.4.0 - Refactor and document how DwollaV2::Response works
  • 0.3.1 - better DwollaV2::Error error messages
  • 0.3.0 - ISO8601 values in response body are converted to Time objects
  • 0.2.0 - Works with attr_encrypted
  • 0.1.1 - Handle 500 error with HTML response body when requesting a token


Official Ruby Wrapper for Dwolla's API v2


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%